Miyuki Kyuunomusume Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Miyuki Kyuunomusume

Miyuki Kyuunomusume

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Miyuki is a small woman of slender build, who may not look threatening or dangerous, but should never be underestimated.

Body Features

She is a shapeshifter, but most of the time she looks like a normal human, if there weren't those unnatural green eyes. In her Kitsune shape she has white fur and the same eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Miyuki is wearing red dragon hide armor and a symbol of Desna. She is wielding Agony .

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Miyuki was born as the younger child auf Kyuu, the oracle leader of The Orakuru tribe  in the Verduran forest. The Kitsune in the Verduran forest lived hidden from civilization at their own rules, but all tribes were lead by the oracle of the Orakuru. After her brother Choshi left the tribe at night, leaving nothing behind, but a wooden butterfly and a song, Miyuki had to learn how to follow her mothers ideal. She failed miserably. To compensate she build a life of lies to measure up to her mother's expectations. And brought nothing but fire and death.   After being cast out by her tribe she had to take up the life of a thief, starting at the seaport of Cassomir, were she met the young halfelf Asto, who brought her to his captain @Captain Samuel Sutherland, better known as Sammy the Stubborn.   They took sail at the direction of Varisia. Unbeknown to Miyuki, she has become a crew member, of the legendary pirate ship "the Ruby". In the few months on the ship she learned a lot and was gifted her first dagger by Asto. When they left her behind at the coast near Korvosa, she was none the wiser about her short career as a pirate. A few weeks a later on her way along the coast westward she meet Teretak and Ferum and decided to join them.

Personality Characteristics


Miyuki is driven by her lifelong wish to find her place in the world, where she can feel at home. She follows her own moral compass and acts without mercy when someone acts against her believes, be it through hurting people without sense and reason, threatening the ones, who are dearest to her or just taking what she believes to be rightfully hers.

Likes & Dislikes

Miyuki wants to bring good to the world. She is chaotic good at heart and tries to do the right thing in every situation, even if that does not always work out in her favor. She doesn't care if her actions are against the law, which holds no meaning to her. She despises everyone who thinks they can harm people "for the greater good" and everyone who blindly follows some set of rules and believes themselves to be righteous.

Virtues & Personality perks

Miyuki is a skilled artist. Xzanthio Vencurai even taught her how to weave magic into her paintings, in this way they are able to do repeating movements. In her childhood she also learned to dance, even though she never had any musical talent herself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Miyuki grew up completely sheltered from the world and is still learning when to trust someone and up to which degree. She also can sometimes be a little hot-blooded and quite vengeful.


Family Ties

She has no contact with her mother Kyuu and her father Tadaoo. She recently reunited with her long lost brother Choshi.

Religious Views

Follower of Desna

Hobbies & Pets

Painting Dancing

A young Kitsune from the Verduran Forest searching for adventure and finding friends and found family along the way. Quick with a blade who can seem quite deciving, but is always honest at heart.

View Character Profile
Chaotic good
20 years old
At the Orakuru tribe in the Verduran Forest
Current Residence
Villa Waldemar
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
90 lb


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