Enlor Luxina Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Enlor Luxina

Elf Aristocrat that owns a magic shop, Enlor's Magical Spot, that has contracts with the Eagle Knights. His daughter Kerym Luxina is missing. She has been missing for 9 days and went missing walking home from the shops in the Mercantile District. So far no witnesses have been found.    Secrets of Almas Player Party Name TBD has found his daughter and returned her to him. The group has revealed some suspicions of the magic aura on her and the circumstances of her kidnapping. Enlor has agreed to pay Valkyriy for continuing to investigate the kidnapping.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

He wears fine raiment and jewelry.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Wife died in a caravan on the way to Almas. She died during an enchanting accident that destroyed multiple carriages.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Enlor compulsively clenches his fist.
Author: KazutoDM
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Long clean straight blond hair
Ruled Locations


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