Valkyriy Character in Golarion | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Pheonix)

My character is from a city of Anuli, the city of new beginning where she was raised to be an engineer, same as her parents. They taught her a lot but her real passion was dancing. By the age of 10 that was all she wanted to do. One day a travelling group of entertainers came through the city, and she saw one of them doing flame/fire dancing. She knew that is what she wanted to be and started studying and practicing to become the best flame dancer. Her hard work paid off and around age of 15 she was spotted by a talent hunter. He offered her a contract and he became her manager. She started performing in the region and gained quite a reputation and made good money. That however wasn't enough for her manager, Bagor (you can rename this). He suggested they need to go somewhere where dancer are even more appreciated and where they won't have to travel as much. So they moved to Alma. My character kept gaining popularity and reputation and the money was once again pouring in. She met and fell in love with Lona (again, feel free to change) who told her that Bagor was ripping her off. When she approached him about it and told him she wants Lona to be her manager instead, he lots it. That night he took all the money, and wowed to ruin my chracter's reputation. Which he has and no one wanted to hire her anymore. When she went to Lona to complain she found out she moved on to better more rich person, Bagor. My character was heartbroken, AND broke didn't know where to turn. The two closest to her betrayed her. She changed her appearance and tried few odd jobs. In following months she has found out she has a great attention to detail and keen eye (good lord this sounds like my resume :D). Combined with her persuasion skills, she became quite skilled private detective. I was gonna write more but this stupid thing has a character limit!!! Anyways, this was about 10 years ago and she was getting by with that just fine. She doesn't trust anyone but can convince anyone to like her. Few days ago the person you mentioned came to hire her to find his lost daughter. She had a new reputation as a skilled detective that can speak elvish and dwarven. No one would ever think that while ago this was one of the most sought after dancers in the city.




Towards Valkyriy





Towards Zita



Valkyriy saved Zita's life by proving his innocence in a murder.

Author: KazutoDM
Aligned Organization


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