Rib-bon Character in Golarion | World Anvil


Dad met mom in her hometown. Kaillum was unused to the swampy village and hurt himself between all the plants and animals of the land. Brillup was a healer in the village and saw this sorry lug. After Kaillum was healed he ended up working the area to pay off his debt to the village for helping him and eventually grew closer to Brillup. One day it was time for Kaillum to head back to Almas. Brillup went after him realizing she loved him, with the blessing of her fellow Healers. When she caught up to him she jokingly said that he wouldn't last a day without her, and he agreed. They both traveled to Almas where Brillup attempted to set up a Clinic to help heal anyone who needed help, while Kaillum went on to help around any merchants or people. Then a year or 2 later they had me Ripbon (though everyone else calls me ribbon)   My mom ended up teaching me everything she knew about how to heal all the herbs and potions to make throughout my childhood. This came in handy when I hanged out with my Ratfolk friend Jick. I never really got along with the other children, as they just grew up slower it felt like. Jick however understood that feeling. I met him one day exploring the city with a group of other kids in the lower sections. He helped us avoid some nasty characters via his art of misdirection and distraction via acrobatics. After that meeting we ended up hanging out with each other more, me helping out with his scrapes, bruises and other injuries he would get from his attempts at juggling/tumbling/other acrobatic and him helping me find places plants grow in the city, various ways to sneak around and how to talk a around someone. Jick wants to one day get out of the lower area using his entertaining skills, and maybe even travel throughout the country to spread his entertainment and amazing feats of acrobatics. He thinks its somewhat an untapped market for a group or solo artist of acrobatic artisans.   When I was around 8 I started to get dreams and feelings about helping others in a way similar to my mother but also helping against curses. I started to focus on these dreams and feelings which put me in tune with the Spirits of Life themselves. The more I interacted with these Spirits the better I found myself at healing injuries that even my mother could not fix with her advance healing. Eventually when I was 12 I communed and connected to the Spirits enough where I received a Spirit Animal. A smaller than normal Giant Maggot. They now help me communicate more easily with the Spirits than using herbs and mixtures and help me become even stronger at healing and also detect other things my mom could only guess at with her alchemy knowledge. At this point I started working in my mother's clinic fulltime, helping her with all her patients. Occasionally a patient would attempt to leave without being fully healed, so me and my mom would throw a net at them to make them stay, especially those who had a serious disease. During this time I learned more advanced potion making and started to use fire in my work. Unfortunately around when I was 14 I accidently mixed the wrong ingredients together causing an explosion in the potion room. This burned me very badly and without help from the Spirits and my mom I probably would have died. I still stuffer from the scars and the pain when the heat of fire occurs near me, but I am less fearful now than I was. I have to in order to create potions. The explosion forced my family to have to take on more patients to repair the damage. I started to take house calls and treat more unsavory characters to help pay off the debt. But that got me thinking, why should more unscrupulous characters be denied healing or more poor people due to payments.   In my side time when I was not working in the Clinic and I was not playing with Jick, I would set up a pop up clinic in the lower area to help anyone who needed it, and my only stipulation was that you stay till you are healed. (otherwise like my mom says you get the net).




Towards Jick



Friend (Important)

Towards Rib-bon



Author: KazutoDM
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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