The Golden Moon

The only high class hospitality in all of Krita. It's customers are often high tier criminals, rich merchants, or visiting nobles. The hotel has high security guards and offers a bodyguard service to protect their clients while traveling through the city.   Guards:
Author: KazutoDM
Owner: Zarket
Walls: Polished Sandstone with Gold Trim
Atmosphere: Royal, smells heavy of Lavender
Condition: Pristine
Personnel: Multiple cooks, butlers, intense looking guards
Furnishings: A stream runs through the hotel's foyer and around a large crystal in center giving off a cooling mist.
Special Features: Bodyguard Service 15 gp/day
Room Base Cost: 250 gp/day
Suite Cost: 2000 gp/day
Hospitality, Hotel
Parent Location


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