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Session 3: Glass and Wrath Report

General Summary

(ROVA 26, 4707)   The party was awakened when Bethana Corwinn was banging on Lawson's door early in the morning. She was all worked up, as Ameiko Kaijitsu, her employer, had gone missing. With haste the party sprung to aid her. At this point, Bethana brought up the possibility of also asking Shalelu Andosana, Ameiko's long-time friend, if she wanted to help as well. The party agreed and they quickly dragged Shalelu out of bed and went on their way.  
  • Shalelu and party went downstairs where Bethana showed them Ameiko's room and the letter
  • Learned about Tsuto
  • Bethana showed the party downstairs to Ameiko's room, behind The Rusty Dragon's kitchen. Bethana explained that when she got up that morning, Ameiko wasn't making breakfast like usual, so she went to check on her and found her bed hadn't been slept in, and a crumpled up note on the floor. The note was Tsuto's Letter, which prompted Bethana to tell the group about Tsuto Kaijitsu.   Tsuto was the child of an affair from Lonjiku Kaijitsu's wife, Atsuii Kaijitsu. This was fairly clear from the fact that Tsuto was a half-elf, and neither Lonjiku nor Atsuii were elves. Tsuto's birth, Bethana explained, was quite a scandal in town when he was born in 4688, and it was a miracle that Lonjiku and Atsuii decided to stay togehter at all, considering how mad Lonjiku was. Lonjiku had given Tsuto over to a local orphanage, and forbid Atsuii from visiting the boy. A year later, when Ameiko was born, they kept Tsuto's existence secret from her.   When Ameiko learned of Tsuto's existence at the age of 10, she began visiting her half-brother in secret fairly regularly, and they grew closer. But their relationship fell apart in 4705 when they had some sort of big argument which ended with Tsuto striking Ameiko. This fight led to Ameiko leaving town to become an adventurer, and she didn't come back until a year later to attend her mother's funeral. At the funeral, Tsuto accused Lonjiku of killing his mother by pushing her off of a cliff, and in the resulting fight Lonjiku nearly broke Tsuto's jaw. After that, Tsuto disappeared and Ameiko hadn't been able to track him down since.   With their new knowledge of Tsuto, the group decided to head for the Sandpoint Glassworks in search of Ameiko. There, they found all the building's curtains drawn and its doors were locked. The only sound emanating from within was the noise of the furnace going. Noticing the presence of skylights on the roof, Visijya sent Moka to slither up onto the roof and give a signal if anything bad was going on inside. When Moka confirmed that there was something going on, the party set about finding a way in. To avoid drawing too much attention, they finally had Kezia pick the lock to the side door, and they made their way inside.   Inside, through the sound of the furnace, they could hear the sounds of goblins laughing and engaging in some manner of havoc. Sneaking up to the door to the main room, the party caught the goblins by surprise and quickly took them down, capturing a prisoner in the process.   Inside the Glasswork's main workroom, with the goblins vanished, the party had time to take in their surroundings. The workers had all been killed, and the goblins were playing with their bodies, cutting off pieces and coating them in glass. Sat in a chair underneath one of the skylights, as well, the party found the corpse of Lonjiku Kaijitsu, coated entirely in glass, as if somebody had held him down and poured molten glass over his body, creating a macabre sculpture.   With their newfound goblin prisoner, the party learned that it was indeed Tsuto who was behind this, and that he was downstairs. They also learned more about the goblin plot, that multiple humans had teamed up with the Thistletop Goblins, with Tsuto among them. The party learned that these goblins were led by a woman with a demonic hand and a scratched up stomach, and that they were planning to ressurrect their goblin god   When it was clear that their prisoner had no further valuable information to offer them, the party bickered about what to do with it for a time. In the end, Shalelu got impatient and killed it, insisting that there wasn't time for this and that they ought to go rescue Ameiko right away.   With that, the party went down into the Glasswork's basement. There, they felt a mysterious unprompted sense of irritation. Some sort of strange magical affect of unknown origin was weighing on their emotional states. With that concerning feeling hanging over them, they began searching the basement for Ameiko, and quickly found her bound and gagged and unconcious from being beaten in a storage closet. Visijya quickly healed her and they had Shalelu take her away from danger and out of the Glassworks while the party set out to find Tsuto.   It didn't take them long to find Tsuto, when he was inside the next room they entered, apparently prepared for them as he landed a surprise attack on Lawson. Unfortunately, with only a few goblins as support and largely surrounded, Tsuto was quickly overwhelmed. When things began to go sour for the half-elf, he dodged past the group and made a break for it down a strange tunnel leading out of the glassworks basement. Unfortunately for him, Tsuto didn't make it far before Visijya trapped him with entangling vines. With his escape rout cut off, Tsuto's life came to an end when Kezia felled him with a well-aimed crossbow bolt.   With Tsuto defeated, the party collected his belongings, among which was quite a bit of money and valuables. Most important among his belongings, however, was his journal. The journal told of plans for a future goblin attack, as well as containing a number of other valuable pieces of information. With the journal in hand, the party decided to go back to town for a time to recover from their wounds, as everyone had sustained significant damage in their fights.   While back in town, Kezia and Duh went to the Sandpoint General Store and sold off their loot for a nice chunk of cash. While there, they witnessed a sleep-deprived man buying sleeping pills. Meanwhile, Lawson sat outside the Sandpoint Theater advertising the musical he wanted to create. Few people showed interest, as Lawson was covered in blood and still badly bruised from his battles. But a sweet young lady eventually sat down next to him and started chatting with Lawson. They didn't discuss much in particular, but Lawson seemed to make an impression on the girl, and as Visijya dragged him away, she called out that she'd like to speak with him again sometime.   Back at The Rusty Dragon, the party went to visit Ameiko in her room where Shalelu had been caring for her. They shared with her what had happened and talked to her and Shalelu for a time about the journal and Ameiko's family. They didn't learn much in particular though, other than Ameiko's perspective on her messy family situation.   With their wounds recovered and their errands taken care of, the party went back down into the Glasswork's basement. There, they had previously found a mysterious man-made tunnel leading out of the basement, and now they were coming back to investigate it. They followed the tunnel down for a ways, finding it branched off into 3 paths. Two of which were dead ends, but one was still open. The narrow passageway appeared to have bricked over in the past, but the bricks were broken to pieces as if somebody had opened up the route again only recently. They followed the passageway and felt the strength of the magical irritation increasing as they went deeper.   As the party rounded one of the dark corners of the cave, some sort of hideous humanoid creature emerged from the darkness and attacked them. When bitten by the creature, the party felt that magical rage rising up in them to uncomfortable levels, but nobody was affected too strongly by it. In the end, they dispatched the beast after sufferring some minor injuries, which they promptly healed before continuing their exploration.   Deeper in the caves, the party found the rocky tunnel turned into some sort of mysterious underground structure. Within its halls, they found a mysterious red marble statue of a furiously angry woman holding a falchion in one hand, and a book with a seven-pointed star on its face in the other. The falchion in her hand was a real one made out of ivory, not a part of the statue, and Duh wanted it. So as the rest of the group retreated very far away in case of traps, Duh set about extracting the blade from the statue's hand. In the end, Duh extracted the sword, and also detached the hand from the rest of the statue, causing it to clatter to the ground in noisy fashion. When no creatures appeared to attack the party, however, they continued on as normal.   The next room the party entered appeared to be some sort of ancient prison block, with cells lining the walls. As the party spread out to investigate, two more of the hideous abominations emerged from hiding places to ambush the group. Though the beasts landed some good blows, in the end, they too were dispatched and the party was left in peace to consider their next course of action...

    Rewards Granted

    Experience:   200 EXP fighting against goblins in the glassworks 200 EXP fighting against Tsuto 150 EXP for defeating the first hideous monster 300 EXP for defeating the pair of hideous monsters   Treasure:   (The following was taken off of Tsuto's person after his death.)
  • 1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds

  • 1 Composite Shortbow w/20 Arrows

  • 1 Ring of Protection (Identified by Duh)

  • Masterwork Thieves Tools

  • Masterwork Flute

  • A pair of Silver Earrings (Sold for money)

  • Tsuto's Journal

  • 6 Pouches of Gold Dust

  • 8 Pouches of Silver Dust

  • 10 Platinum Pieces
  • In addition, a masterwork ranseur was found in the hands of the red marble statue in the mysterious underground structure found in the tunnels beneath the Glassworks.
    Rise of the Runelords
    Visijya Vishki

    Lawson Raktallow

    Report Date
    08 Feb 2021
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location

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