Annetta Blackthorn Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Annetta Blackthorn

Warden Annetta Blackthorn

A young druid of the Pathfinder Society, Annetta was recently rescued from a corrupted Alchemists tower in the mountains above Underfall Valley.   She spoke of some horror that had corrupted the world and people around the tower, and said that it was too late - that whatever it was, that it was already inside her head. The party burned down the fungal mass growing in the basement of the tower, and Warden Blackthorn has seemed fine since then.   After their arrival in Magnimar, Annetta has mostly remained in Heidmarch Manor.

A druid of the Verdant Wheel whom the party recently rescued. She claimed that it was already too late for her - that "IT" had already gotten inside of her head, but she seems fine now...

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Year of Birth
4694 AR 26 Years old
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