Ahkanefti Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Golarion’s god of magic resides in a domain of thousands of wizards’ towers perched atop a massive shelf of stone drifting within the deep Maelstrom. Given the All-Seeing Eye’s nature and dual personality, the plane and its natives readily embrace its presence. The domain’s stable base and its elaborate, often madly designed and precariously perched towers exist in a state of constant growth and destruction, reflecting the god’s twin aspects. Additionally, the domain has the wild magic planar trait, operating according to Nethys’s whimsy, something that the surrounding depths often mirror for hundreds of miles around it. Surrounding the domain is a hurricane of magical energy formed by the Maelstrom as a frenzied and constant reflection of the turmoil within the realm. Beautiful, hazardous, and wondrous, the hurricane sometimes spins off cyclones with similarly wild magical effects, which experienced travelers use as a warning that they are near the mad god’s realm.
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