Alina Muraabe Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Alina Muraabe

Alina Muraabe

Alina Muraabe, head warden and owner of the Absalom Menagerie, is the fourth in her family to manage the sprawling zoo, as well as being a figure of considerable public interest in the Wise Quarter. Muraabe has a gentle spirit and a true love of animals, and believes that public display of the world’s most magnificent creatures is the best way to inspire compassion and love for them in the hearts of a hardened, urban public. While the Menagerie is nearly always crowded with gawkers and the attraction draws more citizens from other parts of Absalom than perhaps any other in the district, not everyone in the city agrees with Muraabe’s philosophy. Certain advocates of the wild, particularly the druidic cults of Eastgate and the city’s leshy gangs, regularly stage impromptu protests and rescue efforts at the Menagerie’s gates, disrupting Muraabe’s business and occasionally putting innocent visitors at risk. When she has advance warning of such an action, Muraabe sometimes hires adventurers to protect her park and business. Those she learns to trust often receive more lucrative contracts, such as tracking down freed or escaped animals (some of which, admittedly, might better be characterized as monsters) or even accompanying her on expeditions into the wild to capture new creatures for exhibition. These expeditions keep her out of the city for extended periods, during which she leaves control of the zoo to her considerably less scrupulous assistant warden, Oldrik Elduthan. Alina’s specimen-capture journeys often take her back to her ancestral homeland of Thuvia, where her great-grandfather Rubani Muraabe made himself a legend for his explorations into the Mwangi interior and for the unique creatures he put on public display upon his return to Merab. Rubani eventually decamped to Absalom (where he founded the Menagerie), but the Muraabe name still carries currency nearly everywhere in Thuvia, and (along with Alina’s honesty and affability) accounts for her regular invitation to the salons of Lord Yamthar of House Ormuz. The scion lord acts as a sort of surrogate father for Alina’s son, Chani, when Alina is away (the boy’s actual father having been killed in a menagerie animal attack just over a decade ago). Tall and ripcord thin, Alina has harsh, striking features and a scorching glare that leaves little room for ambiguity when she is perturbed.


Alina Muraabe


Towards Yamthar




Towards Alina Muraabe


Alina Muraabe


Towards Oldrik Elduthan


Oldrik Elduthan


Towards Alina Muraabe


Ruled Locations


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