Absalom Menagerie Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Absalom Menagerie

This large park contains multiple magically controlled climates for a variety of captive animals from around Golarion. Each enclosure is sealed with a permanent wall of force to ensure guests’ safety without obstructing any views. The elaborate front gates are never locked, and citizens can visit the animals at all hours. Founded by famous explorer Rubani Muraabe three generations ago, the Menagerie was bequeathed to the public, but Rubani’s family still manages daily operations. Rubani’s one stipulation upon gifting the park to Absalom was that no member of the Blakros family must ever be allowed to enter the grounds, though no one in living memory knows why.
Druids are generally offended by the Menagerie’s creatures being plucked from their natural homes and forced to live in captivity, though some acquiesce to the benefits of exposing urban society to natural wonders, so that people might come to respect and better understand nature. The Menagerie dedicates sizable time and effort toward conserving endangered creatures, which has sparked debates over the benefits of revitalizing flagging populations against allowing natural selection to drive them to extinction.
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