Besmara’s Boardwalk
The eastern end of the Docks swarms with a bewildering array of carnival games, small shops, food carts, and games of skill collectively known as Besmara’s Boardwalk. Popular with tourists and young lovers, this spot is sure to entertain and to drain coin purses of any extra weight. Several legitimate businesses operate here, selling inexpensive jewelry, hand pies, and mementos of a visit to Absalom.
Notable among the numerous booths of the boardwalk is Impalement Arts, a dagger-throwing skill test under the sign of a pair of crossed throwing daggers over a bullseye. Knowledgeable kindred spirits easily recognize the sign as a stand-in for that of the Firebrands, and soon come to know the stall’s proprietors, Quar and Galamere, as the affable leaders of the Bladed Bastards Firebrands faction.
Notable among the numerous booths of the boardwalk is Impalement Arts, a dagger-throwing skill test under the sign of a pair of crossed throwing daggers over a bullseye. Knowledgeable kindred spirits easily recognize the sign as a stand-in for that of the Firebrands, and soon come to know the stall’s proprietors, Quar and Galamere, as the affable leaders of the Bladed Bastards Firebrands faction.