Pilot Island Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Pilot Island

At the mouth of Absalom harbor sits Pilot Island, a small landmass that hosts the famed Absalom Lighthouse. The lighthouse is the tallest building in Absalom, standing 655 feet high and rivaled only by the Watchtower in Eastgate. Aroden himself helped construct the building, magically fortifying it and enchanting the unfailing magical light that sits at its pinnacle. Ships as far as 33 miles at sea can see the light, leading them toward the City at the Center of the World or aiding in their navigation to other ports in the Inner Sea. This prominent beacon is one of the major reasons Absalom is one of the most relevant trade ports in the Inner Sea.
Attached to the lighthouse is the Harbormaster’s Grange, a small collection of buildings that includes a townhouse for the current harbormaster, apartments for her staff, offices for conducting harbor business, and a barn-like storehouse. The harbormaster, Scion Lady Adrielle Neprathep of House Fyrlenn, often travels between Pilot Island and the Docks to conduct business and attend High Council meetings. She maintains a personal skiff for convenient transport, as she may need to travel at a moment’s notice. Adrielle is responsible for the imports and exports through Absalom, managing the harbor inspectors, safe passage of ships through the Flotsam Graveyard, and collection of related taxes. For faster communication, the harbormaster maintains a magical tome in her office for contacting the Harbor Guard. This enchanted ledger is of ordinary size, but weighs an immense 50 pounds, and so generally stays on Adrielle’s office desk. It contains a seemingly endless number of pages, and anything written into the ledger appears instantly on a similar ledger in Crestwatch on Captain Elmoira Taggart’s desk.
On the edge of the island is the Pilot House, a three-story building that serves as the home for the Pilots’ Union and its offices. These pilots maintain an updated map of the Flotsam Graveyard and rent their services to ships looking to traverse those treacherous waters. Most captains agree to paying their fee, as refusing to do so risks scuttling their ship on one of the wrecks, which forfeits the ship and all of its cargo to the primarch.
The first floor of the Pilot House contains mostly supplies and records, as well as a small slip for low-riding, single-mast vessels and sloops. The second story features an extendable gangplank capable of allowing larger ships, such as galleons, to dock. The top floor is almost entirely windows; it allows the pilots to watch over activity in the Flotsam Graveyard and is where they keep their maps of the ever-shifting wrecks.
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