Blossomheart Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Shelyn makes her deific realm within a vast and remote valley high in the Dragonmane Mountains of Nirvana—so named for the jagged peaks’ resemblance to the spikes along the ridge of a great dragon’s back and tail. Within the amphitheaters and green glens of the pastoral valley, Shelyn’s petitioners celebrate her dogma of selfless love and her appreciation for acts and creations of beauty, and in this respect she and her faithful find ready collaboration with the native agathions. Crowning the mountains that overlook her realm stand dozens of avoral keeps and monasteries, their sweeping walls and gravity-defying buttresses pushing past the edges of architectural imagination into pure artistic expression.
Concealed from most, a second, equally idyllic valley exists adjacent to Shelyn’s domain, standing in wait for Shelyn’s half-brother, the mad god Zon-Kuthon, in hopes of his eventual redemption.
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