Everlight Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Sarenrae’s domain within Nirvana stands on the far side of the Sea of No Shadows, a crystal-clear inland ocean whose visibility extends down to its sandy bottom, perpetually illuminated by the brilliant golden light of the goddess’s realm. Sarenrae’s personal holdings are largely sealed except to petitioners, her divine servants, and the native celestials who willingly serve her as a way of accomplishing shared goals. Even those who do not serve her treat her with great respect and admiration, for she was once an angel. To all others, her seat of power is simply an outline of golden watchtowers visible on the horizon, a sight tantalizingly out of reach to ships on the sea regardless of how far they sail.
‌Yet Sarenrae is not unwelcoming. In addition to her exclusive realm, the goddess also presides over the city of High Ninshabur on the far side of the inland sea, perpetually drenched in the sunlight of its patron. The city is one of the largest in Nirvana, and is populated by mortal worshipers of the Dawnflower and the descendants of her worshipers from an ancient Keleshite nation destroyed by the Spawn of Rovagug known as the Tarrasque. It does not bar entry to other faiths, and remains a popular place to buy and sell magical implements of healing.
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