Dhauken Tor Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Dhauken Tor

The First Speaker of the Wise Council started his career as a low-level functionary at the Avatectura, an ancient museum known for its archive of historical material from the oldest eras of Absalom. These records date back 42 centuries, and the studious Dhauken Tor has at least a passing familiarity with all of them, making him one of the foremost experts of Absalom’s history resident in the city.
To this end, Tor is engaged in a surprisingly bitter rivalry with another history expert, Rogren Sphairo, the so-called Keeper of Ancient Absalom Lore. Whereas Sphairo, a scion lord of one of Absalom’s most popular houses, is a master of the orthodox history of the city, the Avatectura trained Dhauken Tor in a more populist methodology. The personal stories of Absalom’s residents—including those of servants, street-sweepers, and artisans—paint a folk history of Absalom that’s often at odds with the official version. Tor sees himself as the custodian of this “true” history of the city, and decries Rogren Sphairo as a puppet of his upper class upbringing, more capable of parroting accepted historical platitudes than delving into the way things really were. This rivalry has spilled into the columns of several of Absalom’s news broadsheets, particularly Mother’s Message and the Sennight Star, where the two scholars snipe at one another mercilessly. Their public debates have grown so furious that rumor says it’s only a matter of time before one of them decides to end the conversation with a stroke of an assassin’s blade.


Dhauken Tor

academic rival

Towards Rogren



academic rival

Towards Dhauken Tor


Aligned Organization


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