Wisdom’s Refuge Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Wisdom’s Refuge

Nomarch Dhauken Tor, First Speaker of the Wise Council, started as an intern for the Avatectura Museum before being elected to the district council. As a strong supporter of the arts and academic learning, he was a natural fit for the job and has dedicated his life to making the Wise Quarter a safe haven for institutional education. Other members of the Wise Council include Judae Tarshem and Kralte Grisham, both tenured docents at the Arcanamirium. Their influence has helped avoid magical tampering in elections and provides an avenue of influence to the magical community. To encourage growth, the Wise Council waives the taxes of any institution dedicated primarily to the preservation or distribution of knowledge--though the Wise Council also charges a small tax on every student in the district. Since schools pass those costs onto their novices, it does little to dissuade them from expansion.
Ministry / City hall
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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