Folgrit Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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The Watchful Mother

Some myths say that long before her marriage, Folgrit was the Goddess of Mourners, one who watched over and protected those left behind in bereavement after massive wars and calamities. She witnessed many dwarves, especially orphans, left adrift to fend for themselves against the world and the dwarven community at large. Determined to save these individuals from the fate of an outcast, she approached the then-bachelor Torag with a proposal: in exchange for her hand in marriage, he would share his powers of family and protection with her. The union was a celebrated affair for the pantheon. In addition to sharing the agreed-upon powers, Torag also gifted Folgrit oversight of settlements and cities, so that she could ensure those under her care shall always have shelter.
As the Watchful Mother, Folgrit’s teachings cover many topics. The most common are practical lessons in homemaking, covering various essential life skills from cleaning, cooking, to maintenance. It is not uncommon, therefore, for many of her temples to house libraries or workshops full of recipes, manuals, tools, and cookware. For a non-worshipper, it can be difficult to determine where Folgrit’s areas of concern end and Torag’s begin, as they both seem to cover an aspect of crafting. Priests of either deity explain that Torag is involved in creation of items from its raw state, and repair of items that have been broken, particularly military or magical gear. Folgrit, meanwhile, covers maintenance and small fixes, and is usually concerned only with mundane items.
On a mental and spiritual level, Folgrit’s teachings—be it to dwarves or non-dwarves—instructs developing one’s patience and parenting attitudes, noting the effects one’s actions and demeanor have on children. Though the text is centered upon family and homes, Folgritan priests often advise followers to use that knowledge in their daily life, for the community at large is also a family unit and works in similar ways. As such, Folgrit’s name is often evoked in day-to-day life. While many joke that Folgrit is the busiest parent in the entire universe, they respect her immensely for bringing stability to their lives.
Folgrit’s temples are homely places that often serve as community centers. Her priests serve the masses not only through advice, counseling, or consecration but also in practical ways. They might help provide childcare or assist in childbirth, cleaning houses for the elderly, maintaining communal farms, or organizing and training non-combatants in basic self-defense. There are also a number of orphanages established under the goddess’ name. While generally run on strict rules, the priests overseeing these places ensure that every child leaves only after they have learned a worthy trade skill. A number of Folgrit’s champions come from these orphanages, taking up their cause in the name of the temple that raised them.




Towards Folgrit



Towards Torag

Maintain the sanctity of a home, remain patient with others, take in those without families
Abandon your family, fail to defend your neighbors
Areas of Concern
children, hearths, mothers
Divine Classification
Torag (spouse)
Favored Weapon
cities, family, protection, repose
Divine Ability
Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Font
Divine Skill


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