River Kingdoms Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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River Kingdoms

Scattered among the forests and marshes of the Sellen River basin are the River Kingdoms: a loose confederation of tiny, independent states, the largest of them holding only a few thousand souls. Hundreds of such kingdoms have risen and fallen over the centuries, for treachery and chaos are rife in this region, and few River Kingdoms outlive their founders. Within just the past few years, for instance, the kingdom of Pitax fell after an overambitious attempt to extend its borders, while a new kingdom arose out of the former Stolen Lands bordering Brevoy.
The lawless reputation of the River Kingdoms draws outcasts, refugees, and anyone else so desperate to escape their pasts that carving out a new life in a rough frontier town seems like an attractive proposition. Such settlers rarely have much money, and as the skills developed in their homelands are often ill suited to hardscrabble lives in the river basin, they generally find it difficult to rebuild their fortunes. The region is further depressed by the River Kingdoms’ instability, which deters trade, investment, and even travel. Thus, most of the River Kingdoms are poor, isolated, and backward—but stubbornly, proudly free.
Political, Confederation
Power Structure
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under River Kingdoms


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