Isle of Terror Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Isle of Terror

This large island at Lake Encarthan’s center was never a place visited by the sensible. Strange storms whipped the lake for miles around it, and the island’s rocky shores provided few safe places to anchor. Now that the Whispering Tyrant has returned, the negative energy storms around the island roil constantly, and the island contains an even greater undead presence. Unlike in the Gravelands, where mobs of undead roam under the guidance of undead officers or Whispering Way necromancers, the undead on the Isle of Terror are almost all powerful individuals who serve in Tar-Baphon’s courts and aid him in his plot to scour the lands of the living. Flying and swimming undead range further than ever before, sometimes as far as the coastal settlements.
Powerful adventurers willing to brave the Isle of Terror have only one relatively reasonable harbor: the bay around Fort Landing. Once a fortress marking the road to Tar-Baphon’s underground city, Fort Landing stands on the white sand beaches at the mouth of the Whispering River. The river’s dark, poisonous waters flow down from the Three Furies, the mountain range at the island’s heart. Deep in the Three Furies yawn the Wizard-King’s Pit and its Well of Sorrows, a trap that Tar-Baphon set for Aroden millennia ago. The trap is rumored to still be active and poised to snare careless explorers.
Not all inhabitants of the Isle of Terror are beholden to the Whispering Tyrant. The terror wolves that prowl the island’s forests are a threat to any travelers, and the living trees in the Shadow’s Heart forest bear a passionate animosity toward all intruders. A powerful undead dragon named Karamorros hides on the island, fuming and plotting. Karamorros had planned to murder Tar-Baphon due to an old vendetta, but her hasty attack on the returned Whispering Tyrant recently led to a humiliating rout. Although Karamorros and her minions, the Whisperscale lizardfolk, might serve as allies for those who wish to confront the Whispering Tyrant, she is every bit as crafty and wicked as her enemy.
The Isle of Terror fades in and out of cosmic alignment with the Negative Energy Plane, and entire sections of the island periodically become overwhelmed by the void of that empty, life-hating realm. During this alignment, creatures can step out of the Negative Energy Plane and onto the island, where the Whispering Tyrant presses them into service. The lands touched by this joining can take decades to recover.
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