Lake Encarthan Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lake Encarthan

Lake Encarthan is one of the most heavily traveled bodies of water on Golarion, with regular shipping along its coasts. Four national capitals sit on Lake Encarthan’s shores—Caliphas of Ustalav, Kerse of Druma, Tamran of Nirmathas, and Thronestep of Razmiran—and several other key cities besides, such as the Molthuni naval city of Eranmas and Kyonin’s port of Greengold. Although the lake harbors pirates and monsters, the opportunity for profit makes navigating its waters worth the risks.
Today, Lake Encarthan is more dangerous than ever, due to the Whispering Tyrant’s activity on and around the Isle of Terror. This large island at the lake’s center was never a place visited by the sensible. Strange storms whipped the lake for miles around it, and the island’s rocky shores provided few safe places to anchor. Now that the Whispering Tyrant has returned, the negative energy storms around the island roil constantly, and the island contains an even greater undead presence. Unlike in the Gravelands, where mobs of undead roam under the guidance of undead officers or Whispering Way necromancers, the undead on the Isle of Terror are almost all powerful individuals who serve in Tar-Baphon’s courts and aid him in his plot to scour the lands of the living. Flying and swimming undead range further than ever before, sometimes as far as the coastal settlements.
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