Ivy District Park Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Ivy District Park

Ivy District Park occupies a substantial portion of the district’s footprint. The park is filled with beautiful oak groves, weeping willows, cedars, pines, beech trees, and a huge variety of more exotic flora, all of which provide living space for the park’s populations of wild squirrels, owls, foxes, and hares. A large pond—filled with ducks, geese, colorful fish, and playful frogs—dominates most of the park, and where the water is narrow, small bridges of wood and stone arc across its peaceful surface. The druids of the Ivy District Perfumers’ Conglomerate and the district’s leshy population tend to the flora and fauna in the district, including everything that lives in the park. Together, they keep the animals strong and the plant life blooming year-round.
Within the park, fruit trees and flower gardens line the neat, manicured paths that wind their way across its acres. These pathways connect the park’s carefully maintained features, including an impressive circle of ancient oaks in the northeastern corner, which serves as a shrine to the goddess Shelyn, and an incredible 9-foot-tall hedge maze at the park’s center, which hides the intricate works of the park’s famous topiary menagerie inside.
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