Kho Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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The first Shory city to fly, Kho was also the first to fall. In –632 AR, this astonishing marvel of magic and technology came crashing down in a remote valley of the Barrier Wall Mountains, swatted from the sky by the Tarrasque, greatest of Spawn of Rovagug’s. Thousands died in the disaster; the survivors abandoned the wreckage of their home and disappeared into the jungles.
Today, Kho is a haunted place, its shattered domes and crumbling cisterns still sputtering and seething with ancient magic. Marids and other outsiders once bound to serve the Shory claim the ruins for their own, battling for supremacy with morlocks and fell beasts from the surrounding jungles and mountains. Yet despite the danger and the local Mwangi tribes’ refusal to touch the city, the ruins remain a major destination for those explorers willing to make the perilous journey in order to claim the long-lost treasures and forgotten knowledge within the city’s broken spires and half-buried temples.


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