Barrier Wall Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Barrier Wall

The mountains of the Barrier Wall run laterally across northern Garund, separating the deserts of the northern coast from the lush jungles of the Mwangi Expanse. Difficult to reach and almost impassable, the Barrier Wall contains only a few scattered settlements. In Rahadoum, soldiers in the mud-brick fortress of Haldun maintain the Rainwall, a network of sentries and magical wards designed to keep the depraved predators of the Sodden Lands from creeping north. In Osirion, the mountain monastery of Tar Kuata houses monks and scholars of Irori as well as an order of elite dwarven martial artists called the Ouat. A sect of druids called the Stonewardens patrols the central range near Thuvia, guarding hidden sanctuary valleys and remote portals to the First World, while the legendary alchemist Artokus Kirran built his citadel among the peaks, using their slopes as his first line of defense.
The vast majority of the range remains largely uninhabited, home only to some of the most remote adventuring locations on the continent. Most notable among these is the ruins of Kho, the first Shory flying city. Though it was smashed to earth by the Tarrasque, a spawn of the evil god Rovagug, it still sputters with strange energies. Among its rubble, marids and monstrous humanoids battle over priceless sites including the Fields of Glass, the Domes of the Polymatum, and the Pit of Endless Night. Lesser-known sites in the range include the Cathedral of Claws, the Tagas Labyrinth, and the lair of the undead dragon Arantaros. Among the northern Mwangi peoples, adventuring scholars search for the Earthspear, a spiraling repository carved into the heart of a mountain. The Earthspear is said to hold writings from Old-Mage Jatembe himself, protected in case of a second apocalypse. A thousand other such wonders might lie among the peaks, their legends long forgotten.
Mountain Range
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