Learned Guard Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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Learned Guard

The Wise Quarter’s Learned Guard is charged with protecting the Forae Logos before all else, though threats to the library hardly occupy its full attention. Their many extra resources are contracted to serve as the district watch as well.
Ranks in the Learned Guard are named after academic terminology and require extensive written security policies for promotion between them. Members of the Learned Guard wield halberds, and many wear heavy armor depicting their badge of authority: a scroll and an iron scale. All members are required to be literate and are encouraged to take full advantage of their relatively free access to one of the greatest libraries in the world.
The Wise Quarter’s locals resent the Learned Guard’s obligation to postpone criminal investigations when the Forae Logos calls. The ancient Page Tax requires all books entering Absalom be copied at the Forae Logos unless a per-page tax is paid, so the Learned Guard keeps an officer at each city gate and at major docks to escort texts for copying. The Learned Guard often works well with the Starwatch, the Sally Guard, and the Graycloaks. Other guards view them as cold or condescending for their bookishness.
Government, Law Enforcement
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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