Protectorate Anthology Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Protectorate Anthology

Located at the base of the grand stairway leading into the Forae Logos, this collection of buildings is the headquarters for the Learned Guard. Although all of them share a similar Kortos Preclassical architectural design, each structure boasts subtle ornamental elements suggestive of a different locale from famous works of fiction that predate the establishment of Absalom, such as the Tabsagal from The Last God-Kings of Ninshabur, the Emeral Spire from Nhur-Athemon’s Verses of Abundance Everlasting, or the Pyramid of the Sunken Queen, from Vulan Trenvisti’s Song of Sorshen. Each building is further identified by a large statue perched on a balcony atop the entrance, also based on a primary character from the inspiring tale.
Each building in the Anthology serves a specific function to the Learned Guard, such as administration, magical security, and intelligence gathering, or contains barracks, holding cells, and evidence vaults. Guard captain Mendhir the Colossus is a towering Ulfen whose nickname comes from his imposing stature and unwaveringly serious demeanor, a fact the comedians in the Ivy District love to exploit. They dare not make jokes to his face, however, as this graduate of Varisia’s Twilight Academy is just as likely to respond with a spell as he is with a harsh reprimand. He maintains a single building within the Anthology as his offices and residence.
Operating from these unusual structures, the Learned Guard’s original mandate was to protect the Forae Logos at all costs, though the city has since expanded their jurisdiction to the entire Wise Quarter. In times of crisis, however, the Guard still prioritizes the library above all else.
With access to magical resources from the Arcanamirium and College of Mysteries, the Forae Logos deploys extensive magical support in its defense, including sealing underground access tunnels with arcane locks, expanding many of the buildings with extradimensional spaces and secret rooms, and transforming many of the area’s statuary into emergency guardian constructs.
Watch Headquarters
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Architectural Style
Kortos Preclassical

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