Usaro Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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The grim city of Usaro looms over the delta where the Blood River meets Lake Ocota. Its ancient white ziggurats are adorned with grisly decorations made from the remains of the nation’s enemies and its crumbling spires overflow with captured prisoners and slaves. Usaro was once ruled by the Gorilla King, the most favored servant of the demon lord Angazhan, but when adventurers killed the Gorilla King, the city fell to chaos. Many of the Gorilla King’s minions—including his derhii lieutenants, gigantopithecus advisors, and charau-ka foot soldiers, scrambled to fill the power vacuum.
After several months of infighting, Kallijae elves descended upon the city, taking advantage of the disorder to liberate hundreds of the city’s captives. A subsequent orc raid further splintered the city’s populace, and when the orcs seized Usaro’s totem of Angazhan, a minor artifact kept within the city’s palace, many of the survivors claimed that the city had lost Angazhan’s blessing.
While the city remains in a chaotic state, a burgeoning faction seeks to unite Usaro and destroy the city’s enemies. Led by a Mwangi warrior and Angazhan worshipper named Shosenbe, the group calls itself the Chosen and promises to bring vengeance against the Kallijae and orc tribes. The Chosen have so far deflected further raids on the city. However, Shosenbe is reticent about his motives and allegiances, and some wonder if he truly has ties to the demon lord Angazhan or is following his own agenda.
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