Lake Ocota Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lake Ocota

Travelers moving through the Mwangi do well to fear the beasts that live among the jungle’s canopies and waterways. Some of the most treacherous examples of such monsters live in and around Lake Ocota, a massive body of water connecting most of the Mwangi’s tributaries. However, even the threat of aquatic monstrosities cannot keep the bravest and most foolhardy from attempting to lay claim to the lush fens, groves, and shorelines surrounding the lake. With the recent death of the Gorilla King distracting the shoreside city of Usaro, Lake Ocota has found itself overrun with entrepreneurs of all kinds.
Would-be settlers from across the Mwangi city-states, refugees from former Sargava, and colonialists from distant, resource-hungry kingdoms have swarmed Lake Ocota in hopes of seizing some of the land for themselves. The region is now a hotbed of strife. Settlers clash with one another, the local orcs struggle to remain in their homeland, and demon-tainted forces from Usaro vie to reestablish their haunted city’s foothold in the region.
Lake Ocota’s resident orc tribes long ago learned how to deal with the region’s dangers and fought hard to establish their own settlements. These orcs have plenty of experience with dealing with Usaro’s warriors and have even devised magical tattoos to ward themselves from Usaro’s demonic influences. Now, the orcs must struggle tusk-and-nail to protect their homeland.
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