Golarion Qadiran agents defeat Pharaoh Menedes XXVI of Osirion and place Osirion under the control of the Qadiran satrap
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Qadiran agents defeat Pharaoh Menedes XXVI of Osirion and place Osirion under the control of the Qadiran satrap

Political event


Agents from the Padishah Empire of Kelesh create instability within Osirion, leading to a series of slave revolts that further destabilize the corrupt bureaucracy of Pharaoh Menedes XXVI, later dubbed the Fallen Pharaoh. Menedes is forced into hiding and is replaced by the Qadiran satrap, Xerbystes I. The Padishah Emperor assigns Xerbystes I a vizier named Guyun to advise him, but gives the satrap total control over both Qadira and Osirion. Keleshite immigrants pour into Osirion, destroying monuments that refer to pharaonic rule, including Azghaad’s Spire in Sothis.

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History of Golarion
History of Osirion
History of Qadira