Golarion History of Golarion Timeline
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History of Golarion

Age of Legend

10000 -AR 5294 -AR

  • 6533 -AR

    Xin and his followers are exiled from Azlant
    Civil action

    Xin and his followers are exiled from Azlant for proposing that Azlant share its knowledge and technology with other human civilizations.

    Additional timelines
  • 6530 -AR

    Xin and his followers arrive in Avistan
    Population Migration / Travel

    Xin and his followers arrive in Avistan.

  • 6501 -AR

    Xin develops Thassilonian rune magic to match the seven virtues of rule
    Scientific achievement

    Xin develops Thassilonian rune magic to match the seven virtues of rule.

    Additional timelines
  • 6498 -AR

    Xin creates the Sihedron as a symbol of his mastery over rune magic and over Thassilon
    Artistic creation

    Xin creates the Sihedron as a symbol of his mastery over rune magic and over Thassilon.

    Additional timelines
  • 6480 -AR

    Xin appoints the first runelords
    Political event

    Xin appoints the first runelords to take care of the day-to-day drudgery of rule.

    Additional timelines
  • 6479 -AR

    Runelord Sorshen discovers the Everdawn Pool
    Discovery, Exploration

    Runelord Sorshen discovers the Everdawn Pool.

    Everdawn Pool
    Additional timelines
  • 6478 -AR

    Runelord Kaladurnae discovers the strange hexagonal structure known as Kaer Maga
    Discovery, Exploration

    Runelord Kaladurnae discovers the strange hexagonal structure known as Kaer Maga.

    Kaer Maga
    Additional timelines

Age of Darkness

5293 -AR 4295 -AR

  • 5293 -AR

    Disaster / Destruction

    The Starstone impacts Golarion, creating the Inner Sea and kicking off a thousand years of darkness. Azlant and Thassilon are destroyed. The elves depart Golarion via the Sovyrian Stone or retreat into the far north, the southern jungles, or the Darklands.

  • 5293 -AR

    Three Nidalese horselords pledge eternal servitude to Zon-Kuthon to save their people
    Religious event

    Amid the devastation of Earthfall, three Nidalese horselords discover Zon-Kuthon and accept his bargain of eternal servitude in exchange for their people’s salvation. They become the Black Triune, and Nidal becomes the Midnight Lord’s domain.

    Additional timelines
  • 5290 -AR

    Nidal absorbs Azlanti and Thassilonian survivors
    Cultural event

    Nidal, as the last refuge for humanity’s scattered survivors, absorbs Azlanti and Thassilonian intellectuals. The beginnings of what would become The Chronicles in Tooth and Bone are recorded.

    Additional timelines
  • 5133 -AR

    Dwarves begin their Quest for Sky
    Population Migration / Travel

    King Taargick founds the Kingdom of Tar Taargadth, uniting the dwarves in a common cause to abandon the subterranean Darklands.

  • 5102 -AR

    Orcs first emerge onto the surface world
    Population Migration / Travel

    The orcs first emerge onto the surface world, fleeing vicious pogroms by righteous dwarves tunneling toward a prophesied land of the open sky.

  • 4987 -AR

    Dwarves emerge on the surface for the first time
    Population Migration / Travel

    The dwarves fulfill the Quest for Sky, emerging for the first time upon the surface of Golarion.

  • 4363 -AR

    The Rain of Stars

    Before the Age of Anguish, the Kellid people of Numeria witness the Rain of Stars.

    Additional timelines

Age of Anguish

4294 -AR 3471 -AR

  • 4294 -AR

    1 Abadius

    Humanity begins rebuilding civilization
    Cultural event

    The Age of Darkness draws to a close. Humanity begins rebuilding civilization.

  • 4202 -AR

    Gnomes appear in Golarion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The gnome race, fleeing an unknown terror from the First World, arrives in various locations throughout the Inner Sea region where the boundaries between dimensions have worn thin.

  • 4120 -AR

    Founding of the Jistka Imperium

    Founding of the Jistka Imperium.

    Additional timelines
  • 3923 -AR

    The Pit of Gormuz opens in central Casmaron
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Pit of Gormuz opens in central Casmaron, disgorging the Spawn of Rovagug upon the surface of Golarion for the first time.

  • 3708 -AR

    The orc warlord Belkzen conquers the Sky Citadel of Koldukar and renames it Urgir
    Military action

    The orc warlord Belkzen conquers the Sky Citadel of Koldukar and renames it Urgir.

    Additional timelines
  • 3701 -AR

    The fey queen Gendowyn forms an alliance with local Kellid tribes around the Fangwood
    Diplomatic action

    The fey queen Gendowyn forms an alliance with local Kellid tribes around the Fangwood.

    Fangwood Forest
  • 3502 -AR

    Old-Mage Jatembe brings magic back to the Inner Sea
    Cultural event

    Old-Mage Jatembe and his Ten Magic Warriors bring the light of learning back to a world overcome with fear and despair in the deep Mwangi Expanse. His discoveries will eventually inspire the flying cities of the Shory empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 3490 -AR

    The Jistka Imperium taps into lost magic to bind genies and enhance the empire’s power
    Technological achievement

    The Jistka Imperium taps into lost magic to bind genies and enhance the empire’s power.

    Additional timelines

Age of Destiny

3470 -AR 0 -AR

  • 3470 -AR

    Ancient Osirion is founded

    Under the guidance of the god-king Nethys, Azghaad I unifies warring tribes along the River Sphinx. Azghaad defeats the Spawn of Rovagug, Ulunat, and founds the city of Sothis around the slain beetle’s carapace, initiating Osirion’s first pharaonic dynasty.

    Additional timelines
  • 3399 -AR

    The First Age of Osirion begins
    Cultural event

    Azghaad has a magnificent temple built to the All-Seeing Eye, and proclaims Nethys Osirion’s patron god, ushering in the First Age of Osirion.

    Additional timelines
  • 3312 -AR

    Azghaad’s successor, the Naga Pharaoh, begins her rule
    Political event

    Azghaad’s successor, the Naga Pharaoh, begins her rule. She is haunted by violent visions and terrible nightmares sent by Nethys, who wishes to use her as an example of magic’s destructive power. She obliges him later in her reign as, driven into a destructive rage by her ordeal, she tears down the great temple to the All-Seeing Eye and dies in the ensuing blaze.

    Additional timelines
  • 3300 -AR

    Betrayal by powerful outsider allies and raids from desert nomads weaken Jistka

    Betrayal by powerful outsider allies and raids from desert nomads weaken Jistka.

    Additional timelines
  • 3250 -AR

    Desert nomads form the Tekritanin League

    The Tekritanin League is founded by nomads in the deserts west of Osirion.

    Additional timelines
  • 3064 -AR

    The Usij send the Night Plague into Jistka
    Plague / Epidemic

    The necromantic advisers of the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues—the Usij—capture an efreeti commander from Jistka and turn him into a ghul that carries the Night Plague into Jistka, leading to the imperium’s ultimate downfall.

  • 3047 -AR

    The Song Pharaoh overthrows the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues and founds Shiman-Sekh

    The Song Pharaoh overthrows the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues and founds the city of Shiman-Sekh. Osirion reaches the height of its First Age.

    Additional timelines
  • 2999 -AR

    Jetrieti I usurps the Song Pharaoh, leading to Osirion's decline
    Political event

    The Song Pharaoh is killed by Jetrieti I, who usurps the throne and ushers in a long line of cruel and decadent rulers whose gluttonous appetites lead to Osirion’s decline. Osirion’s rulers become increasingly obsessed with the afterlife.

    Additional timelines
  • 2764 -AR

    The Jistka Imperium collapses in a prolonged series of succession wars

    The Jistka Imperium collapses following a long series of succession wars, removing Osirion’s main rival for control of northern Garund.

  • 2764 -AR

    Osirion and the Tekritanin League ally to overthrow the weakened Jistka Imperium
    Military action

    Osirion and the Tekritanin League ally to overthrow the weakened Jistka Imperium.

  • 2323 -AR

    Kho is founded

    Shory aeromancers, working from thousand-year-old traditions begun by Old-Mage Jatembe, establish Kho as the first of their legendary flying cities.

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  • 1498 -AR

    The Four Pharaohs of Ascension join forces to rule Osirion
    Political event

    The Four Pharaohs of Ascension become joint rulers of Osirion, ushering in Osirion’s Second Age, also known as the Age of the Black Sphinx.

    Additional timelines
  • 1452 -AR

    The armies of the Four Pharaohs break the Tekritanin League
    Military: War

    Armies of the Four Pharaohs defeat the Tekritanin League. Osirion absorbs some of the League’s city-states, while others are razed. The holdings of the league become the Osirian province of Thuvia.

    Additional timelines
  • 1431 -AR

    The power of the Four Pharaohs breaks, and Osirion again slips into decline
    Political event

    Bound by magic, the Four Pharaohs of Ascension die together, and Osirion declines once again. The capital is moved back to Sothis soon thereafter.

    Additional timelines
  • 1281 -AR

    Taldor founded

    General Taldaris of Oppara conquers the scattered city-states along the Inner Sea, unites them to form Taldor, and becomes its first emperor.

    Additional timelines
  • 892 -AR

    Nex and Geb go to war
    Military: War

    Nex and Geb go to war.

    Mana Wastes
  • 841 -AR

    Osirion fails to replace the assassinated governor of Thuvia, effectively ceding control of the province
    Political event

    High Theurgist Fentet-Pesu, the Osirian governor of Thuvia, is assassinated by one of his favored consorts in the regional capital of El-Amara. Osirion effectively cedes control of all land west of the Junira River when Pharaoh Yafeha I fails to send a new governor. The fortress of Mekshir is swallowed by a sandstorm.

    Additional timelines
  • 632 -AR

    The Tarrasque destroys Oppara
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Tarrasque tears open the Porthmos Gap and destroys Oppara.

    Additional timelines
  • 632 -AR

    The Tarrasque rampages west
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Tarrasque, greatest of the Spawn of Rovagug, destroys Ninshabur before heading west in a furious rampage. It devastates Avistan and Garund until it is defeated and sealed away in a hidden cavern.

  • 473 -AR

    Valenhall is founded
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Linnorm King Ulvass discovers Arcadia, establishing the colony of Valenhall as an earthly paradise.

  • 43 -AR

    The Keleshite Empire incorporates Qadira
    Political event

    The Padishah Empire of Kelesh halts its southern conquests at the River Ladan. Padishah Emperor Adalan IV formally establishes the satrapy of Qadira and places it under the rule of the satrap Cerush.

    Ladan River
    Additional timelines
  • 4 -AR

    Battle of Urfa
    Military: Battle

    Qadira’s and Taldor’s borders expand to overlap one another, causing the first border skirmish between the two empires: the Battle of Urfa near White Pass.

    White Pass
    Additional timelines

Age of Enthronement

1 AR 4605 AR

  • 1 AR

    1 Abadius

    Absalom founded

    Aroden raises the Starstone, forming the Isle of Kortos and founding Absalom.

    Additional timelines
  • 37 AR

    Taldor charts the Sellen River north to Sevenarches

    Taldor’s First Army of Exploration, led by General Porthmos, destroys the druidic Goroth Lodge in the Verduran Forest and charts the Sellen River north to Sevenarches.

    Sellen River
  • 115 AR

    The province of Galt is established

    The province of Galt is established.

    Additional timelines
  • 253 AR

    Nex captures the Isle of Jalmeray
    Political event

    Nex captures the Isle of Jalmeray.

    Isle of Jalmeray
  • 499 AR

    Taldor explores Ustalav

    The Second Army of Exploration pushes north and west from Lake Encarthan, exploring Ustalav.

    Lake Encarthan
    Additional timelines
  • 563 AR

    Khiben-Sald brings Vudran culture to the Inner Sea
    Cultural event

    Khiben-Sald, the legendary Maharajah of Vudra, spends a decade on the Nexian Isle of Jalmeray, bringing Vudran culture to the Inner Sea.

    Isle of Jalmeray
  • 576 AR

    Nex vanishes
    Life, Supernatural

    Nex vanishes from his capital in Quantium during a Gebbite attack that kills thousands.

  • 632 AR

    Geb commits suicide, but returns as a ghost
    Life, Supernatural

    Geb attempts to escape Golarion in an act of ritual suicide, but soon returns as a ghost.

  • 896 AR

    Aroden mortally wounds Tar-Baphon
    Life, Death

    Aroden mortally wounds the wizard-king Tar-Baphon on the Isle of Terror at the center of Lake Encarthan.

    Isle of Terror
    Additional timelines
  • 1140 AR

    Artokus Kirran formulates the sun orchid elixir
    Scientific achievement

    Artokus Kirran formulates the sun orchid elixir.

    Additional timelines
  • 1142 AR

    Thuvia’s city-states band together as a nation

    Thuvia’s city-states band together as a nation.

    Additional timelines
  • 1520 AR

    Corentyn founded

    Taldor’s Third Army of Exploration, led by General Coren, conquers the northern shore of the Inner Sea, founding Corentyn at its farthest edge. Coren also secures the western tip of Avistan and the neck of the Inner Sea for Taldor.

    Additional timelines
  • 1531 AR

    Qadiran troops conquer Gurat and skirmish with the Taldans
    Military: Skirmish

    Qadiran troops conquer Gurat and skirmish with the Taldans.

    Additional timelines
  • 1532 AR

    Osirian immigrants flee to Absalom
    Population Migration / Travel

    Kelesh takes control of Osirion, beginning the Keleshite Interregnum. Absalom struggles to accommodate waves of Osirian immigrants.

    Additional timelines
  • 1532 AR

    Satrap of Qadira becomes a hereditary title
    Political event

    Xerbystes I, satrap of Qadira, convinces Empress Kharilah III to make his title a hereditary one. In return, he relinquishes control of Qadira’s foreign affairs to an imperial vizier.

    Additional timelines
  • 1532 AR

    Qadiran agents defeat Pharaoh Menedes XXVI of Osirion and place Osirion under the control of the Qadiran satrap
    Political event

    Agents from the Padishah Empire of Kelesh create instability within Osirion, leading to a series of slave revolts that further destabilize the corrupt bureaucracy of Pharaoh Menedes XXVI, later dubbed the Fallen Pharaoh. Menedes is forced into hiding and is replaced by the Qadiran satrap, Xerbystes I. The Padishah Emperor assigns Xerbystes I a vizier named Guyun to advise him, but gives the satrap total control over both Qadira and Osirion. Keleshite immigrants pour into Osirion, destroying monuments that refer to pharaonic rule, including Azghaad’s Spire in Sothis.

    Additional timelines
  • 1551 AR

    The dwarven empire of Tar Taargadth collapses in response to orc raids
    Political event

    The Glorious Empire of Tar Taargadth collapses when orc raiders launch massive assaults against the Sky Citadels, conquering several of them and throwing the dwarves into uncharacteristic chaos for several years.

  • 1553 AR

    Urian Peace begins
    Diplomatic action

    Grand Prince Urios III and Satrap Xerbystes I sign a formal peace agreement between their nations. The period of nonaggression known as the Urian Peace begins.

    Additional timelines
  • 1571 AR

    The First Five Kings War erupts
    Military: War

    The First Five Kings War erupts, engulfing all of the Five Kings Mountains and many of the surrounding human settlements.

  • 1673 AR

    Vyre is founded

    Vyre is founded by settlers from Corentyn hoping to escape Taldor’s strictures.

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  • 1683 AR

    Taldor explores future Andoran and Isger

    The Fourth Army of Exploration maps and claims areas that later become the provinces of Andoran and Isger.

  • 1707 AR

    Andoran founded

    Andoran is officially founded as a province of Taldor when General Khastalus of Corentyn clears much of the Arthfell Forest and establishes the port city of Augustana.

    Additional timelines
  • 1893 AR

    Norgorber ascends
    Religious event

    Norgorber completes the Test of the Starstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 1975 AR

    Ulfen longships raid heavily along the west coast of Avistan
    Military action

    Ulfen longships raid heavily along the west coast of Avistan and in the region now known as Cheliax.

  • 1980 AR

    Andoran begins to consolidate its borders
    Political event

    Andoran begins to consolidate its borders.

    Additional timelines
  • 2009 AR

    2014 AR

    Taldor explores north to the Lake of Mists and Veils

    The Fifth Army of Exploration employs a magical siege engine called the Worldbreaker to push north through the River Kingdoms and Brevoy to the Lake of Mists and Veils.

    Additional timelines
  • 2080 AR

    Taldor conscripts Andoren militia members and commandeers Augustanan ships for the Sixth Army of Exploration
    Military action

    Taldor conscripts thousands of Andoren militia members to serve in the Sixth Army of Exploration, and commandeers hundreds of ships from Augustana to carry them across the Inner Sea.

    Additional timelines
  • 2080 AR

    Taldor begins exploring Garund

    General Erestos Marburran and his Sixth Army of Exploration begin exploring northern Garund.

    Additional timelines
  • 2089 AR

    Taldor is defeated at Nagisa
    Military: Battle

    The Sixth Army of Exploration is ambushed and destroyed by the Gorilla King at Nagisa, losing the Worldbreaker; Taldor begins its decline.

  • 2133 AR

    Taldor establishes Isger

    The Seventh Army of Exploration slaughters the Kellids of the fiercely independent Isger tribe and establishes the Protectorate of Isger (named in the tribe’s memory) to secure trade with Druma.

    Additional timelines
  • 2187 AR

    The teachings of Irori reach mainland Tian Xia
    Religious event

    The teachings of Irori reach mainland Tian Xia.

    Tian Xia
  • 2206 AR

    Cult of the Dawnflower forms
    Religious event

    The Cult of the Dawnflower begins founding its own churches in Qadira, independent of the mainline church of Sarenrae.

    Additional timelines
  • 2217 AR

    The Cult of the Dawnflower is banished to the deserts of Thuvia by the Qadiran satrap
    Religious event

    The Cult of the Dawnflower’s growing influence is viewed as a threat by the Qadiran satrap, who banishes the sect’s followers to the western deserts of Thuvia.

  • 2253 AR

    Members of the Cult of the Dawnflower assassinate the Osirian satrap and replace him with an independent Keleshite noble
    Political event

    Followers of Sarenrae assassinate the corrupt Qadiran satrap, replacing him with a Keleshite sultan independent of the Padishah Empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 2332 AR

    The Kerse Accord is established in Druma
    Civil action

    The Kerse Accord is established in Druma.

    Additional timelines
  • 2361 AR

    Varisian wanderers settle the region know today as Ustalav north of Lake Encarthan
    Population Migration / Travel

    Varisian wanderers settle the region know today as Ustalav north of Lake Encarthan.

  • 2497 AR

    The demon Treerazer begins his perversion of the forests of Kyonin
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The demon Treerazer begins his perversion of the forests of Kyonin.

  • 2498 AR

    The Oath Wars begin in northwest Garund
    Military: War

    The Oath Wars begin in northwest Garund. The clergies of Nethys, Norgorber, and Sarenrae vie for dominance.

  • 2555 AR

    All clerics are expelled from Rahadoum
    Population Migration / Travel

    All clerics are expelled from Rahadoum; many seek refuge in Corentyn. Construction begins on the Arch of Aroden.

  • 2555 AR

    The city of Azir exiles all clerics, burns their temples, and enacts the Laws of Mortality
    Religious event

    The city of Azir exiles all clerics, burns their temples, and enacts the Laws of Mortality.

    Additional timelines
  • 2560 AR

    The Oath Wars end with the spread of the Laws of Mortality
    Religious event

    The bloody Oath Wars come to an end as the Laws of Mortality spread throughout the region. The Red Mantis flees Rahadoum to establish a new base of operations on Mediogalti Island.

  • 2606 AR

    The Arch of Aroden is completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Arch of Aroden is completed.

    Arch of Aroden
    Additional timelines
  • 2631 AR

    Varisian wanderers north of Lake Encarthan unite as the nation of Ustalav

    Varisian wanderers north of Lake Encarthan unite as the nation of Ustalav.

    Additional timelines
  • 2632 AR

    Elves return to Kyonin from Castrovel
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves return en masse to Golarion via the Sovyrian Stone in Kyonin, pushing Taldan settlers and scavengers east of the Sellen River.

    Sellen River
    Additional timelines
  • 2664 AR

    In Tian Xia, Yixing courtiers perform the first chadao tea ceremony for their emperor
    Cultural event

    In Tian Xia, Yixing courtiers perform the first chadao tea ceremony for their emperor.

  • 2724 AR

    Goblins accidentally unleash a supernatural horror at Black Forks
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Goblins slaughter a group of contemplative monks at Black Forks, resulting in the release of a supernatural horror.

    Black Forks
    Additional timelines
  • 2742 AR

    The Choking Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    The disease known as the Choking Death spreads from Iobaria and devastates Taldor’s population, as well as that of the rest of Avistan.

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  • 2765 AR

    Cayden Cailean ascends
    Religious event

    Cayden Cailean passes the Test of the Starstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 2768 AR

    Empress Aleshat VI marries the son of Satrap Aphama I
    Political event

    Empress Aleshat VI marries the son of Satrap Aphama I. The Qadiran navy grows.

    Additional timelines
  • 2822 AR

    Vudrani rajahs wrest control of Jalmeray from the Arclords of Nex
    Military: Skirmish

    Vudrani rajahs wrest control of Jalmeray from the decadent Arclords of Nex.

  • 2920 AR

    Earthquakes devastate Taldor and Qadira
    Disaster / Destruction

    Massive earthquakes devastate both Taldor and Qadira, killing tens of thousands and flattening many cities. Some Taldan nobles accept this as proof that Qadira worships Rovagug and threatens to unleash the Rough Beast from his prison, while Satrap Gheber II declares this proof of Taldan allegiance with evil gods and requests leave to invade Taldor. The empress refuses.

  • 2921 AR

    Grand Prince Remoque V ends an attempted coup
    Political event

    Grand Prince Remoque V ends an attempted coup by the White Wardens, averting war with Qadira.

    Additional timelines
  • 3001 AR

    The red dragon Daralathyxl arrives at the Five Kings Mountains
    Life, Relocation

    Daralathyxl, known as the Sixth King or Emperor of the Mountains, arrives at the Five Kings Mountains.

  • 3007 AR

    Cheliax is incorporated as a province of Taldor

    Cheliax is formally incorporated as a province of Taldor rather than a frontier region.

    Additional timelines
  • 3129 AR

    Grand Prince Hyrotte I forms the Ulfen Guard in response to his predecessor’s assassination

    Qadiran assassins kill Grand Prince Jalrune; his successor, Grand Prince Hyrotte I, forms the Ulfen Guard to protect himself.

    Additional timelines
  • 3203 AR

    Tar-Baphon returns as the Whispering Tyrant
    Military action

    Tar-Baphon returns as the lich known as the Whispering Tyrant, unites the orc tribes of Belkzen under his rule, and terrorizes central Avistan for more than 600 years.

    Isle of Terror
  • 3250 AR

    Katapesh becomes a nation

    Katapesh breaks free from Osirian rule and becomes an independent nation.

  • 3313 AR

    The nation of Irrisen is born when the Witch Queen Baba Yaga conquers the eastern reach of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings

    Baba Yaga comes to Golarion, humiliates the Linnorm Kingdoms by driving the Ulfen residents from a portion of their ancestral lands, and founds Irrisen in that region.

  • 3332 AR

    The engineers of Jernashall create the first successful magmafall
    Technological achievement

    The famed dwarven engineers of Jernashall, within Droskar’s Crag, create the first successful and safe magmafall in the middle of their city.

  • 3616 AR

    Minkai defeats the Teikoku Shogunate
    Military: Battle

    In Tian Xia, the Perfect Swordswoman, Setsuna Kuga, leads the armies of the Minkai against the forces of the Teikoku Shogunate in the Battle of Eight Bridges. With the shogun’s forces routed, Minkai’s armies march upon the old capital and raze it.

  • 3619 AR

    The Minkai Empire is established in Tian Xia
    Political event

    The Minkai Empire is established in Tian Xia. Kasai is named the new capital.

  • 3660 AR

    3672 AR

    The Dragon Plague
    Disaster / Destruction

    The so-called Dragon Plague plunges northern Taldor into a campaign of terror and violence brought about by metallic dragons.

    Additional timelines
  • 3754 AR

    The Shining Crusade begins
    Military: War

    Taldor launches the Shining Crusade to destroy the lich Tar-Baphon and his undead armies.

  • 3801 AR

    The Shining Crusade secures a beachhead in Ustalav
    Military action

    The Shining Crusade secures a beachhead on the northern shore of Lake Encarthan, in Ustalav.

  • 3818 AR

    The Knights of Ozem summon Arazni to aid them against the Whispering Tyrant
    Religious event

    The Knights of Ozem summon Arazni, the warrior goddess Herald of Aroden.

  • 3823 AR

    Arazni is slain
    Life, Death

    The Whispering Tyrant slays Arazni, inspiring a huge wave of support from Absalom for the Shining Crusade.

  • 3827 AR

    Tar-Baphon is defeated
    Military action

    Tar-Baphon is defeated and imprisoned within his former fortress of Gallowspire.

  • 3828 AR

    Lastwall is founded

    The Knights of Ozem form Lastwall, a protectorate of Taldor, to watch over Gallowspire.

  • 3832 AR

    Iomedae ascends
    Religious event

    Iomedae passes the Test of the Starstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 3841 AR

    Treaty of the Wildwood is signed
    Diplomatic action

    Treaty of the Wildwood is signed, making the Verduran Forest semiautonomous.

    Verduran Forest
    Additional timelines
  • 3890 AR

    Geb reanimates Arazni as his lich-queen

    Geb abducts Arazni’s corpse from the Knights of Ozem, reanimates her as a lich, and takes her as his queen.

  • 3923 AR

    Famed playwright Merivesta Olinchi of Nex is assassinated
    Life, Death

    Merivesta Olinchi of Nex, a famed satiric playwright, is assassinated during the premiere of her masterpiece, The Conception Exception.

  • 3980 AR

    The Rending
    Disaster / Destruction

    Droskar’s Crag’s latest eruption to date causes widespread devastation in Darkmoon Vale. Sections of Almas wash away in massive flooding. Crevasses open above the Candlestone Caverns, providing surface access to the Court of Ether for the first time.

    Droskar's Crag
    Additional timelines
  • 4043 AR

    Kazavon drives the Belkzen orcs from western Ustalav
    Military action

    Kazavon drives the Belkzen orcs from western Ustalav.

  • 4062 AR

    The corrupted dryad Arlantia overthrows Gendowyn and unleashes the Darkblight in the Fangwood
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The corrupted dryad Arlantia overthrows Gendowyn and unleashes the Darkblight in the Fangwood.

    Fangwood Forest
  • 4067 AR

    The Qadiran satrap agitates for war with Taldor
    Political event

    Uncertainty over the succession to the imperial throne causes violent conflict in Qadira. Eager to refocus the unrest on an external enemy, Satrap Gheber III proposes war with Taldor.

    Additional timelines
  • 4079 AR

    Qadira captures Zimar; The Grand Gampaign begins
    Military: War

    During ongoing succession conflicts in the Padishah Empire, Qadira invades Taldor, capturing Zimar. The war known in Taldor as the Grand Campaign begins.

    Additional timelines
  • 4080 AR

    Ember Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    Emperor Darial III raises Qadiran taxes to a punitive level in an attempt to halt the invasion of Taldor. Qadiran nobles threaten to secede, and the emperor relents, but dies from a suspicious fall off a balcony the night after he instructs the vizier to communicate his change of mind. Qadiran forces enslave the city of Zimar and burn most settlements in the Zimar scrublands in Ember Night, a touchstone many modern Taldans still call back to as justification of their hatred of Qadira.

    Additional timelines
  • 4081 AR

    4091 AR

    The Even-Tongued Conquest
    Military: War

    The Taldan governor in charge of Cheliax, taking advantage of Taldor’s focus on its Qadiran border, declares the province independent from the empire and places himself upon the newly created Chelish throne as Aspex the Even-Tongued. Andoran, Galt, and Isger are annexed as part of Cheliax in the following years. This decade-long power grab becomes known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, and greatly undermines Taldan influence throughout western Avistan. Lastwall declares neutrality in the conflict, effectively becoming an independent nation.

  • 4082 AR

    Grand Prince Cydonus III is poisoned
    Life, Death

    Taldan Grand Prince Cydonus III, who mired his nation in debt and failed to prevent the Qadiran conquest of southern Taldor, is poisoned by angry nobles in a palace conspiracy. His successor, Beldam I, claims that the poisoning was carried out by Qadiran agents.

    Additional timelines
  • 4083 AR

    Qadira’s armies reach the River Porthmos
    Military action

    Qadira’s armies reach the River Porthmos—the farthest north they push the Qadiran border over the entire war—after a series of Taldan military losses the Taldans call the Ghevran Massacres and the Qadirans call the Ghevran Victories.

    Porthmos River
    Additional timelines
  • 4096 AR

    Qadira abandons the city of Koor after repeated Taldan sieges
    Military action

    Repeated Taldan sieges of the Qadiran city of Koor prompt Qadira to abandon it.

    Additional timelines
  • 4113 AR

    Karas “the Falcon” Novotnian begins pacifying Darkmoon Vale

    Karas “the Falcon” Novotnian enters Darkmoon Vale and begins pacifying the otherwise largely wild and lawless region.

    Darkmoon Vale
    Additional timelines
  • 4137 AR

    Cheliax besieges Absalom
    Military: Battle

    Under the banner of the mad prince Haliad I, Cheliax unsuccessfully besieges Absalom for the first time. Gains in Garund, however, grant Cheliax complete control of the Arch of Aroden, cementing a naval supremacy that remains to this day. A month later, Absalom adopts the Edrentar Doctrine to defend the Inner Sea.

    Additional timelines
  • 4138 AR

    Cheliax establishes the colony of Sargava

    Chelish ships arrive in Desperation Bay on Garund’s western coast as part of a colonial effort ordered by Prince Haliad I of Cheliax; they establish the colony of Sargava.

    Desperation Bay
  • 4139 AR

    The Lumber Consortium is founded

    The Lumber Consortium is founded in Oregent.

    Additional timelines
  • 4142 AR

    Imperial Lung Wa is established in Tian Xia

    Imperial Lung Wa is established in Tian Xia, uniting 10 of the 16 Kingdoms of Shu.

  • 4217 AR

    The Yellowtongued Sickness
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Yellowtongued Sickness ravages Taldor.

    Additional timelines
  • 4237 AR

    The orcs of Belkzen assault the nation of Lastwall and retake the city of Urgir
    Military: Battle

    The orcs of Belkzen assault the nation of Lastwall and retake the city of Urgir.

    Additional timelines
  • 4246 AR

    Andoren explorers found Sun Temple Colony

    Andoren explorers land on a small Azlanti island in the Arcadian Ocean and found Sun Temple Colony.

    Additional timelines
  • 4275 AR

    An earthquake off the coast of Vudra causes devastating flooding
    Disaster / Destruction

    A powerful earthquake off the coast of Vudra causes devastating flooding in coastal areas, killing thousands.

  • 4276 AR

    Taldan forces destroy Qadira’s Resolute Citadel
    Military action

    Taldan forces destroy Qadira’s Resolute Citadel, an academy for spellcasters.

    Additional timelines
  • 4300 AR

    The efreeti lord Jhavhul is imprisoned
    Military action

    The efreeti warlord Jhavhul is imprisoned on the slopes of Pale Mountain at the conclusion of the Genie Wars by the Templars of the Five Winds.

  • 4305 AR

    The Everwar begins
    Military: War

    Emperor Haliad III begins a century of expansion eventually known as the Everwar when Chelish forces invade Molthune.

  • 4311 AR

    Molthune surrenders to Cheliax
    Military action

    Molthune surrenders to the Chelish army, becoming the first addition to the empire since the founding of Sargava.

  • 4317 AR

    Pathfinder Durvin Gest explores significant portions of the ruins of Azlant
    Discovery, Exploration

    Pathfinder Durvin Gest explores significant portions of the ruins of Azlant.

  • 4323 AR

    The Qadiran general Taliq Asad besieges Absalom
    Military: Battle

    The Qadiran general Taliq Asad besieges Absalom.

    Additional timelines
  • 4328 AR

    Taldor launches the Heaven’s Step Offensive
    Military action

    After 2 1/2 centuries spent pushing out Qadiran invaders, Taldor launches the Heaven’s Step Offensive to invade Qadira. At the urging of Satrap Arsinoah II, Kelesh sends a detachment of 50,000 cavalry to swell Arsinoah’s forces. The combined Qadiran and Keleshite forces successfully repel the Taldan advance.

    Additional timelines
  • 4329 AR

    Geb petrifies the invading army of the Pirate Queen Mastrien Slash, creating the Field of Maidens
    Military action

    Geb petrifies the invading army of the Pirate Queen Mastrien Slash, creating the Field of Maidens.

  • 4332 AR

    Durvin Gest casts the Lens of Galundari into the Nemesis Well near Osibu

    Durvin Gest casts the Lens of Galundari into the Nemesis Well near Osibu.

  • 4338 AR

    Cheliax “conquers” Nidal through diplomacy
    Political event

    Cheliax “conquers” Nidal through diplomacy, establishing a tenuous alliance between the two nations that lasts until the present day.

    Additional timelines
  • 4402 AR

    Cheliax tries and fails to annex Halgrim
    Military: Skirmish

    A Chelish armada attempts to make a landing at Halgrim to annex the Lands of the Linnorm Kings into the empire. The endeavor fails, and only a single Chelish vessel survives the conflict.

  • 4407 AR

    Korvosa founded

    Emperor Halleck IV of Cheliax founds Korvosa in the frontier region of Varisia.

    Additional timelines
  • 4410 AR

    The Everwar ends
    Military: War

    The Everwar ends. Efforts to expand into Belkzen and Varisia come to a close.

    Additional timelines
  • 4438 AR

    The druid kingdom of Narven is founded in the Arthfell Forest

    The druid kingdom of Narven is founded in the Arthfell Forest by the high druid Narven Feathereyes.

    Arthfell Forest
    Additional timelines
  • 4466 AR

    Ordrik’s theocracy crumbles
    Political event

    Ordrik’s theocracy crumbles.

  • 4499 AR

    Choral the Conqueror carves Brevoy from the corpses of Rostland and Issia

    Choral the Conqueror unites Issia and Rostland as the newly founded kingdom of Brevoy.

  • 4507 AR

    The Chelish army at Korvosa forces the Shoanti forces to retreat to the Storval Plateau
    Military: Battle

    The Chelish army at Korvosa forces the Shoanti forces to retreat to the Storval Plateau.

  • 4508 AR

    Forest King Narven dies in the Arthfell Forest
    Life, Death

    Forest King Narven dies in the Arthfell Forest.

    Arthfell Forest
    Additional timelines
  • 4512 AR

    The Arthfell Forest plunges into civil war
    Political event

    Following Narven’s death, the Arthfell Forest plunges into civil war.

    Arthfell Forest
    Additional timelines
  • 4517 AR

    Lastwall’s border defenses fail against the hordes of Belkzen
    Military action

    Lastwall’s border defenses fail against the hordes of Belkzen.

    Additional timelines
  • 4524 AR

    All contact with the Sun Temple Colony is mysteriously lost
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    All contact with the Sun Temple Colony is mysteriously lost.

    Additional timelines
  • 4528 AR

    The Great Purge
    Religious event

    Grand Prince Stavian I uses the war with Qadira to push out rivals prominent within the church of Sarenrae by initiating the Great Purge of Sarenites. He declares worship of Sarenrae illegal, propagandizes the Cult of the Dawnflower as treasonous spies, and encourages destruction of Sarenrae’s temples. Many Sarenite clerics are imprisoned or murdered.

    Additional timelines
  • 4552 AR

    Mengkare begins his grand experiment

    Mengkare, the great gold dragon, begins his grand experiment on the Isle of Hermea.

  • 4584 AR

    Chelish explorers from Korvosa settle Magnimar

    Chelish explorers from Korvosa settle Magnimar.

  • 4588 AR

    Alkenstar discovers Dongun Hold
    Discovery, Exploration

    Alkenstar, fleeing persecution from Nex, enters the Mana Wastes and discovers Dongun Hold.

  • 4600 AR

    Eagle Knights formed

    The Eagle Knights form under the auspices of King Culliam II; their mission is to provide an honor guard to Aroden when the god returns.

    Additional timelines
  • 4601 AR

    The Duchy of Alkenstar is founded

    The Duchy of Alkenstar is founded—construction of the Gunworks begins.

  • 4603 AR

    War between Taldor and Qadira ends
    Diplomatic action

    Taldor and Qadira declare peace after 5 centuries of war; trade between Avistan and Kelesh reopens. Worship of Sarenrae is declared legal again in Taldor.

    Additional timelines

Age of Lost Omens

4606 AR and beyond

  • 4606 AR

    Aroden dies
    Religious event

    Aroden dies, producing several weeks of powerful, destructive storms across Golarion. His death triggers weeks of mourning and panic in Absalom and leaves the empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. Chaos in Cheliax leaves the liege nation unable to fully govern Andoran.

  • 4606 AR

    Taldor begins to explore overseas

    The Eighth Army of Exploration, led by General Orphyrea Amandar, sets sail to discover new lands to conquer overseas.

    Additional timelines
  • 4606 AR

    The Worldwound opens in Sarkoris
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Worldwound opens in Sarkoris. Demons pour forth from the rip in reality and quickly consume the entire nation, leaving only ruin.

    Sarkoris Scar
  • 4606 AR

    2 Abadius

    The Worldwound opens in Sarkoris
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Worldwound opens in Sarkoris. Demons pour forth from the rip in reality and quickly consume the entire nation, leaving only ruin.

    Sarkoris Scar
  • 4608 AR

    The Chelish Civil War begins
    Military: War

    The Chelish Civil War begins when House Thrune and a now-redacted rival family feud over land. Centuries-old alliances soon bring the entire nation into the conflict.

    Additional timelines
  • 4608 AR

    Amanandar established

    The Eighth Army of Exploration lands in Shenmen in Tian Xia; pushing inland, it conquers the city of Kamikobu and establishes the isolated Taldan colony of Amanandar.

    Tian Xia
    Additional timelines
  • 4608 AR

    Thousands abandon Korvosa for Magnimar
    Population Migration / Travel

    Thousands abandon Korvosa for Magnimar.

  • 4609 AR

    Osirians throw off Keleshite control and install Khemet I as pharaoh

    Osirians overthrow the Keleshite sultan in a near-bloodless coup, and establish Pharaoh Khemet I, a priest of Abadar, as the first Osirian ruler of the country in 3,000 years. Khemet I becomes known as the Forthbringer and establishes a new dynasty in his name.

    Additional timelines
  • 4609 AR

    Ulizmila arrives in Darkmoon Vale
    Life, Relocation

    Ulizmila, reportedly a granddaughter of Baba Yaga, arrives in Darkmoon Vale.

    Darkmoon Vale
    Additional timelines
  • 4610 AR

    The Chelish army leaves Sargava to aid House Davian
    Military action

    The Chelish army leaves Sargava to aid House Davian.

  • 4613 AR

    Baba Yaga installs her daughter Elvanna as sovereign of Irrisen
    Political event

    Baba Yaga installs her daughter Elvanna as sovereign of Irrisen.

    Additional timelines
  • 4615 AR

    The astrological philosophers of Lirgen take their own lives after evacuating their people

    The astrological philosophers of Lirgen take their own lives after evacuating their people from what becomes known as the Sodden Lands.

  • 4620 AR

    The Gunworks of Alkenstar are completed
    Technological achievement

    The Gunworks of Alkenstar are completed—the first firearms begin emerging from Alkenstar to be purchased by rich collectors and curious scholars.

  • 4622 AR

    The First Mendevian Crusade begins
    Military: War

    The First Mendevian Crusade begins.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4632 AR

    Molthune secedes from Cheliax
    Political event

    The province of Molthune declares independence from Cheliax.

  • 4633 AR

    Korvosa reluctantly cuts ties with Cheliax
    Political event

    Korvosa reluctantly cuts ties with Cheliax.

    Additional timelines
  • 4638 AR

    The city of Drezen falls to the demon horde; the Second Mendevian Crusade is called
    Military: War

    The city of Drezen falls to the demon horde, signaling the first crusade’s defeat. In response, the Second Mendevian Crusade is called and establishes the wardstones as a mystical defense that tenuously contains the Worldwound’s blight.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4640 AR

    House Thrune takes control of Cheliax
    Political event

    House Thrune emerges as the victor in the decades-long infighting over the throne of Cheliax, and institutes diabolism and the worship of Asmodeus as the official state religion. Emboldened Chelaxian sympathizers exert increasing influence in Absalom and stoke fears of invasion.

    Additional timelines
  • 4643 AR

    Cheliax fails to reclaim Sargava
    Military: Skirmish

    The Chelish fleet finally arrives to deal with Sargava, but instead meets a pirate fleet and is destroyed in Desperation Bay. Free Captain Molryn Hangtree falsely reports to Baron Grallus that additional Chelish ships are anchored in reserve off Azir; Grallus agrees to pay the Free Captains a continuing stipend to safeguard the bay.

    Desperation Bay
  • 4655 AR

    Nirmathas declares independence from Molthune
    Political event

    Northern Molthune declares independence. Its leader, Irgal Nirmath, is assassinated, and the new nation is named Nirmathas in his honor.

  • 4660 AR

    The Chelish fleet tries again to reclaim Sargava
    Military: Skirmish

    The Chelish navy once again attempts to reclaim Sargava; the Free Captains drive the Chelish ships into the Eye of Abendego. The Chelish fleet turns back after losing 30 ships to hurricane conditions.

    Eye of Abendego
  • 4661 AR

    Razmiran is established

    Razmir, the Living God, declares himself in the River Kingdoms and swiftly conquers several smaller holds, uniting them as the new realm of Razmiran.

  • 4662 AR

    Galtan philosopher Darl Jubannich writes On Government
    Cultural event

    Galtan philosopher Darl Jubannich writes On Government, a treatise about the Chelish government’s terrible betrayal of humanity.

    Additional timelines
  • 4665 AR

    The Third Mendevian Crusade is called
    Military: War

    The Third Mendevian Crusade is called, but soon sinks into factional infighting and persecution of indigenous Kellid and Sarkorian animist faiths.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4667 AR

    The Red Revolution

    Galt rises up against Chelish rule, resulting in the Red Revolution. Many nobles flee into Taldor with little but their titles, creating an underclass of penniless nobles in the north.

  • 4669 AR

    Andoran secedes from Cheliax in the People's Revolt
    Political event

    Inspired in part by the ideals of Galt’s Red Revolution and the writings of Jubannich, Andoran declares independence from Cheliax in what becomes known as the People’s Revolt. Revolt leaders found the People’s Freedom Movement in order to help establish a new egalitarian republic. The People’s Freedom Movement drafts the Associative Act, establishing the foundations of Andoran’s government. Recognizing the danger to its fledgling democracy, the government repurposes the Eagle Knights with the cooperation of its military leaders. Cheliax begins an embargo of Andoran as punishment for its secession.

    Additional timelines
  • 4670 AR

    Azarketi gift the keystone to the Arch of Aroden to Andoran
    Diplomatic action

    A delegation of azarketi arrives in Almas and gifts the keystone to the Arch of Aroden to the fledgling nation.

    Additional timelines
  • 4672 AR

    Razmir founds Thronestep

    Razmir founds Thronestep.

  • 4674 AR

    The Palatinates in northwest Ustalav overthrow their aristocratic leadership in favor of parliamentary rule
    Political event

    The Palatinates in northwest Ustalav overthrow their aristocratic leadership in favor of parliamentary rule.

    Additional timelines
  • 4682 AR

    Queen Domina of Korvosa gains the service of the Hellknight Order of the Nail

    Queen Domina of Korvosa gains the service of the Hellknight Order of the Nail.

  • 4682 AR

    The Forge War ends
    Military: War

    The Forge War ends with Ordrik’s triumph.

  • 4689 AR

    Chelish embargo of Andoran ends
    Military: Skirmish

    Andoren ships successfully sink three Chelish warships off the shores of Westcrown, including the Chelish flagship, ending the 20-year-long Chelish embargo.

    Additional timelines
  • 4689 AR

    Taldor begins harassing Qadiran trading ships
    Military action

    Taldor begins a new naval campaign of harassment and privateering against Qadiran trading ships, using Zimar corsairs.

    Additional timelines
  • 4692 AR

    The orc warlord Grask Uldeth seizes control of Urgir and establishes a token system that allows non-orcs to travel Belkzen in relative safety
    Political event

    The orc warlord Grask Uldeth seizes control of Urgir and establishes a token system that allows non-orcs to travel Belkzen in relative safety.

  • 4692 AR

    The Fourth Mendevian Crusade is called
    Military: War

    The Fourth Mendevian Crusade is called in response to the rise of the balor Khorramzadeh. The Order of Heralds reins in the purges of the Third Crusade.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4695 AR

    Lastwall routs Warlord Graukad’s force
    Military: Battle

    A contingent of 173 heavy cavalry from Lastwall routs Warlord Graukrad’s force of 2,000 orcs.

  • 4696 AR

    The Beast of Bloodcove claims 204 victims
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Beast of Bloodcove, huge froghemoth, claims 204 victims over the course of a record hot summer.

  • 4697 AR

    The Goblinblood Wars
    Military: War

    The Goblinblood Wars in neighboring Isger threaten the stability of the region. Andoran sends legions of Eagle Knights to assist in quelling the hobgoblin uprising.

    Additional timelines
  • 4699 AR

    The great red wyrm Daralathyxl makes his last appearance

    The great wyrm red dragon Daralathyxl makes his last appearance along the border between Darkmoon Vale and the Five Kings Mountains.

    Darkmoon Vale
    Additional timelines
  • 4699 AR

    The royal House Rogarvia vanishes from Brevoy, and the city of Skywatch is mysteriously sealed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The royal House Rogarvia vanishes from Brevoy, and the city of Skywatch is mysteriously sealed. Later that year, House Surtova claims Brevoy’s crown.

  • 4700 AR

    The eyeless bodies of 13 krakens wash up on the western shores of the Isle of Kortos
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Over the course of the month of Rova, the eyeless bodies of 13 krakens wash up on the western shores of the Isle of Kortos.

  • 4701 AR

    Gnoll raiders attack Solku
    Criminal Activity

    Gnoll raiders surge from White Canyon in Katapesh, attempting to enslave the population of Solku.

  • 4702 AR

    The runelords first stir to life in Varisia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The runelords stir to life in Varisia. In the sleepy town of Sandpoint, gifted artist Jervis Stoot murders 25 men, women, and children. Runelord Karzoug awakens and begins to gather his power.

  • 4703 AR

    The Chelish ship The Night Terror is found with all crew missing but in perfect condition
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Night Terror, a Chelish merchant ship thought to be lost to the Eye of Abendego, is found adrift off the Andoren coast in pristine condition but with its entire crew missing.

    Additional timelines
  • 4704 AR

    Codwin I of Augustana is elected Supreme Elect of Andoran
    Political event

    Codwin I of Augustana is elected Supreme Elect of Andoran. Codwin is reelected to a second term 4 years later in a landslide victory.

    Additional timelines
  • 4704 AR

    White Estrid defeats Boiltongue and becomes a Linnorm King
    Political event

    White Estrid defeats Boiltongue and becomes a Linnorm King; her use of strange weapons that she claims were gifts from “earth spirits” enrages other rulers of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

  • 4705 AR

    The Gray Corsairs sink three Katapeshi slave galleons in the Inner Sea
    Military: Skirmish

    The Gray Corsairs sink three Katapeshi slave galleons in the Inner Sea.

    Additional timelines
  • 4707 AR

    Runelord Karzoug is defeated by a group of adventurers
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Runelord Karzoug is defeated by a group of adventurers; word of Thassilon’s mysteries begins to spread throughout the Inner Sea region.

  • 4707 AR

    The Fourth Crusade ends in a stalemate between demons and crusaders
    Military: War

    The Fourth Crusade ends in a stalemate between demons and crusaders, with the demons forced into retreat but the forces of Mendev too exhausted to fight further.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4707 AR

    Pharaoh Khemet III opens up Osirion’s desert ruins to foreign explorers
    Civil action

    Needing a new source of revenue, and wishing to reclaim Osirion’s former glory by the uncovering of the secrets of its past, long hidden by the sands and the nation’s Keleshite occupiers, Pharaoh Khemet III opens up Osirion’s desert ruins to foreign explorers.

    Additional timelines
  • 4708 AR

    Queen Ileosa's brief rule brings plague and cruelty to Korvosa
    Political event

    King Eodred perishes, leaving Korvosa in the hands of Queen Ileosa, whose harsh rule brings about a time of plague and cruelty.

  • 4709 AR

    Pale Mountain partially erupts, exposing the remains of Xotani the Firebleeder
    Geological / environmental event

    Pale Mountain partially erupts, leaving a massive crater on the side of the mountain and exposing the remains of Xotani the Firebleeder, one of the Spawn of Rovagug.

    Pale Mountain
  • 4710 AR

    Molthune begins granting citizenship in exchange for civil or military service
    Civil action

    The right of indentured laborers and immigrants to obtain citizenship via civil and military service is established in Molthune, bolstering the nation’s defenses.

    Additional timelines
  • 4712 AR

    Codwin I wins his third term as Supreme Elect
    Political event

    Codwin I wins his third term as Supreme Elect, this time by a smaller margin than in his previous two elections. Opposition within the People’s Council puts forth motions to restrict the Supreme Elect to three terms in office.

    Additional timelines
  • 4712 AR

    Adventurers from Magnimar reconstruct the lost Sihedron; accidentally causing the isle of Xin to rise from the nearby sea
    Geological / environmental event

    Adventurers from Magnimar reconstruct the lost Sihedron. Their efforts accidentally trigger the rise of the isle of Xin from the nearby sea, creating a tsunami that damages ports as far away as Hermea.

  • 4713 AR

    Queen Anastasia becomes Irrisen’s first non-winter witch ruler
    Political event

    Queen Elvanna is defeated after she attempts to usurp Baba Yaga’s influence over Irrisen; Queen Anastasia takes the throne as Irrisen’s first non-winter witch ruler.

    Additional timelines
  • 4714 AR

    Pharaoh Hakotep I returns from the dead; his flying pyramids crash down across Osirion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Pharaoh Hakotep I returns from the dead to reclaim his throne and is narrowly defeated. His flying pyramids crash down across Osirion.

    Additional timelines
  • 4715 AR

    The colonized people of Sargava overthrow their government and name the new nation Vidrian

    The colonized people of Sargava overthrow the oppressive government, then fight off a pirate siege from the Free Captains of the Shackles. They name their newly independent nation Vidrian.

    Additional timelines
  • 4715 AR

    Two rebellions erupt simultaneously in Cheliax; the Glorious Revolution and the Silver Ravens

    Two rebellions erupt simultaneously in Cheliax. The Silver Ravens rise in Kintargo, eventually forming the nation of Ravounel and forcing Cheliax to acknowledge its sovereignty. The Glorious Reclamation, meanwhile, attempts to purify and reclaim the Chelish heartlands in Iomedae’s name. After a year of heavy fighting, the Glorious Reclamation is crushed and its leaders are executed by public torture.

    Additional timelines
  • 4716 AR

    Grask Uldeth is assassinated; his steward Ardax the White-Hair takes control of Urgir
    Political event

    The orc warlord Grask Uldeth is assassinated. His steward, Ardax of the White-Hair, takes control of Urgir.

  • 4716 AR

    Numeria’s Technic League shatters following the unexplained death of its leader

    Numeria’s Technic League shatters following the unexplained death of its leader. Rumors begin circulating of a new goddess rising from Silver Mount.

    Silver Mount
    Additional timelines
  • 4716 AR

    The Refuge of Nex opens in Quantium
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Refuge of Nex opens in Quantium, prompting rumors that Nex himself will soon return.

  • 4717 AR

    The Ironfang Invasion
    Military: War

    Hobgoblin warlord General Azaersi is routed by the Nirmathi militia and retreats to establish the nation of Oprak in southwest Nirmathas.

    Additional timelines
  • 4717 AR

    Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus of Kintargo takes office as the first ruler of Ravounel
    Political event

    Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus of Kintargo takes office as the first ruler of Ravounel, adopting the pre-Thrune Chelish title of “Domina.”

    Additional timelines
  • 4717 AR

    Andoran establishes a successful colony on the shattered ruins of Azlant

    Andoran establishes a successful colony on the shattered ruins of Azlant.

    Additional timelines
  • 4717 AR

    Gendowyn reclaims control of the Accressial Court in the Fangwood
    Political event

    Gendowyn reclaims control of the Accressial Court in the Fangwood when Arlantia is slain by Nirmathi militia leaders.

    Fangwood Forest
    Additional timelines
  • 4718 AR

    After the bloody War for the Crown, Grand Princess Eutropia claims the throne
    Political event

    Grand Prince Stavian III of Taldor has half the Taldan senate murdered. The ensuing War for the Crown is dramatic and bloody, with Eutropia eventually claiming the throne as grand princess.

    Additional timelines
  • 4718 AR

    The Fifth Mendevian Crusade ends in glorious victory; the Worldwound is sealed
    Military: Battle

    A small band of heroes slays the demon lord Deskari and seals the Worldwound, bringing the Fifth Mendevian Crusade to a glorious victory. Many exhausted and traumatized veterans leave soon after.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4718 AR

    Other runelords emerge; New Thassilon is founded
    Political event

    Other runelords emerge, chief among them Runelord Alaznist, whose damage to the flow of time threatens reality before she is ultimately defeated by heroes; New Thassilon is founded.

  • 4718 AR

    All the Houses of Perfection are disqualified from the Challenge of Sky and Heaven, leaving it unfinished
    Sporting Event / Competition

    All the Houses of Perfection are disqualified from the Challenge of Sky and Heaven, leaving it unfinished.

    Isle of Jalmeray
  • 4718 AR


    Efforts to reclaim the Sarkoris Scar begin

    Efforts to reclaim the Sarkoris Scar begin in earnest, but it soon becomes apparent that the cities lost to the Worldwound are too corrupted to salvage. Storasta, Undarin, and Iz are razed after heavy fighting.

    Sarkoris Scar
    Additional timelines
  • 4719 AR

    Siege of the Whispering Tyrant
    Military: Battle

    Tar-Baphon attempts to invade Absalom but is defeated when his own destructive magic is reflected back on him. Watcher-Lord Ulthun II of Lastwall arrives in Absalom.

    Tyrant’s Grasp
    Additional timelines
  • 4719 AR

    Arazni abandons Geb; the Ghost King takes an active role in his nation again
    Political event

    Arazni abandons the nation of Geb. Stirrings from the Refuge of Nex prompt the Ghost King to take an active part in world affairs once more.

  • 4719 AR


    Tar-Baphon breaks free from Gallowspire and overruns Lastwall
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Whispering Tyrant obliterates Vigil, escapes Gallowspire, and overruns Lastwall; he then relocates to the Isle of Terror, reclaiming his old holdings there. The orcs of Belkzen rebuff the Whispering Tyrant’s emissaries and unite to repel the lich’s vengeful forces. Most of the remaining holy champions in Mendev ride south to confront the lich, leaving Nerosyan under the rule of Chancellor Irahai.

  • 4719 AR


    Vigil is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction
    Additional timelines