Golarion History of Varisia Timeline
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History of Varisia

  • 6530 -AR

    Xin and his followers arrive in Avistan
    Population Migration / Travel

    Xin and his followers arrive in Avistan.

  • 4407 AR

    Korvosa founded

    Emperor Halleck IV of Cheliax founds Korvosa in the frontier region of Varisia.

  • 4410 AR

    The Everwar ends
    Military: War

    The Everwar ends. Efforts to expand into Belkzen and Varisia come to a close.

  • 4633 AR

    Korvosa reluctantly cuts ties with Cheliax
    Political event

    Korvosa reluctantly cuts ties with Cheliax.

  • 4702 AR

    The runelords first stir to life in Varisia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The runelords stir to life in Varisia. In the sleepy town of Sandpoint, gifted artist Jervis Stoot murders 25 men, women, and children. Runelord Karzoug awakens and begins to gather his power.

  • 4707 AR

    Runelord Karzoug is defeated by a group of adventurers
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Runelord Karzoug is defeated by a group of adventurers; word of Thassilon’s mysteries begins to spread throughout the Inner Sea region.

  • 4708 AR

    Queen Ileosa's brief rule brings plague and cruelty to Korvosa
    Political event

    King Eodred perishes, leaving Korvosa in the hands of Queen Ileosa, whose harsh rule brings about a time of plague and cruelty.

  • 4712 AR

    Adventurers from Magnimar reconstruct the lost Sihedron; accidentally causing the isle of Xin to rise from the nearby sea
    Geological / environmental event

    Adventurers from Magnimar reconstruct the lost Sihedron. Their efforts accidentally trigger the rise of the isle of Xin from the nearby sea, creating a tsunami that damages ports as far away as Hermea.

  • 4718 AR

    Other runelords emerge; New Thassilon is founded
    Political event

    Other runelords emerge, chief among them Runelord Alaznist, whose damage to the flow of time threatens reality before she is ultimately defeated by heroes; New Thassilon is founded.