Golarion History of Cheliax Timeline
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History of Cheliax

  • 1520 AR

    Corentyn founded

    Taldor’s Third Army of Exploration, led by General Coren, conquers the northern shore of the Inner Sea, founding Corentyn at its farthest edge. Coren also secures the western tip of Avistan and the neck of the Inner Sea for Taldor.

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  • 1673 AR

    Vyre is founded

    Vyre is founded by settlers from Corentyn hoping to escape Taldor’s strictures.

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  • 1975 AR

    Ulfen longships raid heavily along the west coast of Avistan
    Military action

    Ulfen longships raid heavily along the west coast of Avistan and in the region now known as Cheliax.

  • 2555 AR

    All clerics are expelled from Rahadoum
    Population Migration / Travel

    All clerics are expelled from Rahadoum; many seek refuge in Corentyn. Construction begins on the Arch of Aroden.

  • 2606 AR

    The Arch of Aroden is completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Arch of Aroden is completed.

    Arch of Aroden
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  • 3007 AR

    Cheliax is incorporated as a province of Taldor

    Cheliax is formally incorporated as a province of Taldor rather than a frontier region.

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  • 3203 AR

    Tar-Baphon returns as the Whispering Tyrant
    Military action

    Tar-Baphon returns as the lich known as the Whispering Tyrant, unites the orc tribes of Belkzen under his rule, and terrorizes central Avistan for more than 600 years.

    Isle of Terror
  • 3991 AR

    The provincial capital of Cheliax moves from Ostenso to Westcrown
    Civil action

    The provincial capital of Cheliax moves from Ostenso to Westcrown, as its position on the Adivian River provides better access to the region’s vast interior.

  • 4079 AR

    Westcrown encourages Andoren ships to attack Taldan vessels

    Admiral Genise Ratorian of Westcrown provides warships and Writs of Course to sailors in Augustana, encouraging them to attack Taldan merchant vessels and establishing the roots of the Gray Corsairs.

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  • 4081 AR

    4091 AR

    The Even-Tongued Conquest
    Military: War

    The Taldan governor in charge of Cheliax, taking advantage of Taldor’s focus on its Qadiran border, declares the province independent from the empire and places himself upon the newly created Chelish throne as Aspex the Even-Tongued. Andoran, Galt, and Isger are annexed as part of Cheliax in the following years. This decade-long power grab becomes known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, and greatly undermines Taldan influence throughout western Avistan. Lastwall declares neutrality in the conflict, effectively becoming an independent nation.

  • 4137 AR

    Cheliax besieges Absalom
    Military: Battle

    Under the banner of the mad prince Haliad I, Cheliax unsuccessfully besieges Absalom for the first time. Gains in Garund, however, grant Cheliax complete control of the Arch of Aroden, cementing a naval supremacy that remains to this day. A month later, Absalom adopts the Edrentar Doctrine to defend the Inner Sea.

  • 4138 AR

    Cheliax establishes the colony of Sargava

    Chelish ships arrive in Desperation Bay on Garund’s western coast as part of a colonial effort ordered by Prince Haliad I of Cheliax; they establish the colony of Sargava.

    Desperation Bay
  • 4305 AR

    The Everwar begins
    Military: War

    Emperor Haliad III begins a century of expansion eventually known as the Everwar when Chelish forces invade Molthune.

  • 4311 AR

    Molthune surrenders to Cheliax
    Military action

    Molthune surrenders to the Chelish army, becoming the first addition to the empire since the founding of Sargava.

  • 4338 AR

    Cheliax “conquers” Nidal through diplomacy
    Political event

    Cheliax “conquers” Nidal through diplomacy, establishing a tenuous alliance between the two nations that lasts until the present day.

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  • 4402 AR

    Cheliax tries and fails to annex Halgrim
    Military: Skirmish

    A Chelish armada attempts to make a landing at Halgrim to annex the Lands of the Linnorm Kings into the empire. The endeavor fails, and only a single Chelish vessel survives the conflict.

  • 4407 AR

    Korvosa founded

    Emperor Halleck IV of Cheliax founds Korvosa in the frontier region of Varisia.

  • 4410 AR

    The Everwar ends
    Military: War

    The Everwar ends. Efforts to expand into Belkzen and Varisia come to a close.

  • 4576 AR

    The first Hellknight order is founded

    The first Hellknight order, the Order of the Rack, is founded in Westcrown.

  • 4605 AR

    King Gaspodar of Cheliax prepares for the prophesied manifestation of Aroden
    Religious event

    King Gaspodar of Cheliax prepares for the prophesied manifestation of Aroden, foretold to mark the advent of the Age of Glory.

  • 4606 AR

    Aroden dies
    Religious event

    Aroden dies, producing several weeks of powerful, destructive storms across Golarion. His death triggers weeks of mourning and panic in Absalom and leaves the empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. Chaos in Cheliax leaves the liege nation unable to fully govern Andoran.

  • 4608 AR

    The Chelish Civil War begins
    Military: War

    The Chelish Civil War begins when House Thrune and a now-redacted rival family feud over land. Centuries-old alliances soon bring the entire nation into the conflict.

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  • 4610 AR

    The Chelish army leaves Sargava to aid House Davian
    Military action

    The Chelish army leaves Sargava to aid House Davian.

  • 4622 AR

    King Gaspodar is mysteriously assassinated
    Life, Death

    King Gaspodar is mysteriously assassinated.

  • 4632 AR

    Molthune secedes from Cheliax
    Political event

    The province of Molthune declares independence from Cheliax.

  • 4633 AR

    Korvosa reluctantly cuts ties with Cheliax
    Political event

    Korvosa reluctantly cuts ties with Cheliax.

  • 4639 AR

    House Thrune wins the Battle of a Hundred Kings
    Military: Battle

    House Thrune wins the Battle of a Hundred Kings, defeating House Davian and its Sargavan backers. This proves to be the decisive battle in the civil war.

  • 4640 AR

    House Thrune takes control of Cheliax
    Political event

    House Thrune emerges as the victor in the decades-long infighting over the throne of Cheliax, and institutes diabolism and the worship of Asmodeus as the official state religion. Emboldened Chelaxian sympathizers exert increasing influence in Absalom and stoke fears of invasion.

  • 4643 AR

    Cheliax fails to reclaim Sargava
    Military: Skirmish

    The Chelish fleet finally arrives to deal with Sargava, but instead meets a pirate fleet and is destroyed in Desperation Bay. Free Captain Molryn Hangtree falsely reports to Baron Grallus that additional Chelish ships are anchored in reserve off Azir; Grallus agrees to pay the Free Captains a continuing stipend to safeguard the bay.

    Desperation Bay
  • 4660 AR

    The Chelish fleet tries again to reclaim Sargava
    Military: Skirmish

    The Chelish navy once again attempts to reclaim Sargava; the Free Captains drive the Chelish ships into the Eye of Abendego. The Chelish fleet turns back after losing 30 ships to hurricane conditions.

    Eye of Abendego
  • 4662 AR

    Galtan philosopher Darl Jubannich writes On Government
    Cultural event

    Galtan philosopher Darl Jubannich writes On Government, a treatise about the Chelish government’s terrible betrayal of humanity.

  • 4667 AR

    The Red Revolution

    Galt rises up against Chelish rule, resulting in the Red Revolution. Many nobles flee into Taldor with little but their titles, creating an underclass of penniless nobles in the north.

  • 4669 AR

    Andoran secedes from Cheliax in the People's Revolt
    Political event

    Inspired in part by the ideals of Galt’s Red Revolution and the writings of Jubannich, Andoran declares independence from Cheliax in what becomes known as the People’s Revolt. Revolt leaders found the People’s Freedom Movement in order to help establish a new egalitarian republic. The People’s Freedom Movement drafts the Associative Act, establishing the foundations of Andoran’s government. Recognizing the danger to its fledgling democracy, the government repurposes the Eagle Knights with the cooperation of its military leaders. Cheliax begins an embargo of Andoran as punishment for its secession.

  • 4670 AR

    Azarketi gift the keystone to the Arch of Aroden to Andoran
    Diplomatic action

    A delegation of azarketi arrives in Almas and gifts the keystone to the Arch of Aroden to the fledgling nation.

  • 4672 AR

    Antoninus dies; his cousin Terthule ascends to the throne
    Political event

    Antoninus is fatally poisoned from eating incorrectly prepared safu’u fish. His cousin Terthule ascends to the throne.

  • 4672 AR

    Antoninus, the son of Abrogail I, murders his mother and seizes the throne
    Political event

    Antoninus, the son of Abrogail I, murders his mother and seizes the throne.

  • 4676 AR

    Shadow beasts surface in Westcrown
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Shadow beasts surface in Westcrown; the mayor declares a curfew.

  • 4682 AR

    Terthule disappears; his niece Carellia ascends to the throne
    Political event

    Terthule disappears. Carellia Thrune, his niece, takes his place.

  • 4689 AR

    Chelish embargo of Andoran ends
    Military: Skirmish

    Andoren ships successfully sink three Chelish warships off the shores of Westcrown, including the Chelish flagship, ending the 20-year-long Chelish embargo.

  • 4692 AR

    Abrogail II is born in Egorian
    Life, Birth

    Abrogail II is born in Egorian.

  • 4696 AR

    Carellia mysteriously drowns; her cousin Infrexus ascends to the throne
    Political event

    Carellia mysteriously drowns, and her death is never fully investigated. Her cousin Infrexus rises to power.

  • 4697 AR

    The Goblinblood Wars
    Military: War

    The Goblinblood Wars in neighboring Isger threaten the stability of the region. Andoran sends legions of Eagle Knights to assist in quelling the hobgoblin uprising.

  • 4703 AR

    The Chelish ship The Night Terror is found with all crew missing but in perfect condition
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Night Terror, a Chelish merchant ship thought to be lost to the Eye of Abendego, is found adrift off the Andoren coast in pristine condition but with its entire crew missing.

  • 4709 AR

    Infrexus drowns; Abrogail II ascends to the throne
    Political event

    Infrexus falls through the ice of the Adivian River and drowns. Abrogail II, great-granddaughter of Abrogail I, becomes the new infernal majestrix of Cheliax.

  • 4715 AR

    Two rebellions erupt simultaneously in Cheliax; the Glorious Revolution and the Silver Ravens

    Two rebellions erupt simultaneously in Cheliax. The Silver Ravens rise in Kintargo, eventually forming the nation of Ravounel and forcing Cheliax to acknowledge its sovereignty. The Glorious Reclamation, meanwhile, attempts to purify and reclaim the Chelish heartlands in Iomedae’s name. After a year of heavy fighting, the Glorious Reclamation is crushed and its leaders are executed by public torture.

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  • 4717 AR

    Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus of Kintargo takes office as the first ruler of Ravounel
    Political event

    Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus of Kintargo takes office as the first ruler of Ravounel, adopting the pre-Thrune Chelish title of “Domina.”

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