Mammoth Lords

The Mammoth Lords—a term used not as a rank but to collectively refer to all of its members—are a collective of nomadic Kellid tribal groups that roam their frigid, hostile namesake realm in central northern Avistan.  


At its most granular level, the Mammoth Lords are comprised of Kellid tribes as small as a few families in number. These tribes form larger groups called followings, which themselves can include hundreds of tribes. A following is when two or more tribes join together to follow a particularly powerful warrior or leader, known as a herder, who has proven themselves through acts of great courage, strength, or guile, and is backed by a following's most prominent family.

When a herder dies, often while attempting another epic feat to impress their followers, each tribe of their following either elects to either follow a new hero who must have achieved similarly spectacular feats, split into their original family tribes, or try to join another following.  

Known followings

There are normally anywhere between 10 and 30 large followings at any one time. There are also typically around 200 smaller followings comprised of only a couple of tribes banding together for survival's sake, or are outcast families or bandits.   The most prominent followings include:
  • Bearpelt following: The largest and most powerful following numbers in the thousands, makes its winter home southeast of Icestair, and is led by Mighty Kuldor.
  • Flameblood following: These nomads of the northwestern Realm near Icestair are considered subversively modern and open. They prosper through trade with Po La and are led by Urif Flameblood.
  • Greattusk following
  • Ice Chasm following
  • Night Hunt following
  • Raptorscale following
  • Slothjaw following
The Six Bears following is considered deceased, though its traditions live on through its former grand matron, Great Mother Omak.
Government, Leadership
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities
Protect and expand tribes and followings, preserve traditions and culture
Tribes, groups of which are organized into followings and led by herders


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