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Frostwillow Sap


Material Characteristics

  • Color: Silvery-blue, with a translucent, liquid appearance that resembles melted ice. Under certain lights, it appears to shimmer faintly.
  • Consistency: Thick and viscous, almost like syrup, but becomes hard and crystalline when exposed to freezing temperatures.
  • Temperature: Naturally cold to the touch, even in its liquid state. It maintains a consistent temperature below freezing, making it difficult to handle without protective gloves or magic.
  • Odor: A faint, crisp scent, often described as smelling like fresh snow or icy mountain air.

History & Usage


The discovery of Frostwillow Sap dates back to the early expeditions into Temisbrook Thicket, where the first adventurers encountered the towering, gnarled Frostwillow Trees. Initially dismissed as a simple byproduct of the trees, its magical potential was first realized when analchemist used it to enhance a freezing spell. Word of its unique properties spread quickly, and harvesting expeditions began, though the perilous conditions of the thicket made the sap a rarity.

Everyday use

When used in Alchemy, the sap’s natural affinity with cold makes it a prime ingredient for potions of frost resistance or cold damage. A single drop can significantly increase the potency of any frost-based concoction. When used in enchantments, the sap enhances spells related to cold, preservation, and stasis. Frostwillow-infused weapons are known for freezing anything they strike. In small doses, the sap can be used in salves for frostbite and skin conditions. However, improper use can lead to severe freezing of the skin.   Frostwillow-infused Weapon Block:   Weapon Type: Longsword (or any one-handed or two-handed melee weapon) Rarity: Rare (+2) or Very Rare (+3)   Requires Attunement: Yes   Properties:   Damage: 1dX slashing damage (or equivalent for other weapon types) Damage Type: Cold (in addition to the weapon’s standard damage type)   Effects:  
  • Frostbite Strike: When you hit a creature with this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d6 cold damage. This damage increases to 2d6 if the weapon is upgraded to Very Rare.
  • Frozen Edge: The blade can be used to freeze surfaces or objects. As an action, you can touch a non-magical object or surface with the blade, causing it to become coated in a thin layer of ice. This ice can cover a 5-foot square area and lasts for up to 1 hour or until dispelled. Creatures moving across this ice must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. The DC increases to 15 if the weapon is upgraded to Very Rare.
  • Chilling Aura: While attuned to the weapon, you are resistant to cold damage. Additionally, as a reaction when you take cold damage, you can use your reaction to absorb the cold energy and reduce the damage by half. This effect is active once per long rest.
  • Freezing Parry: When wielding this weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC against melee attacks if you are wielding the weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. This bonus increases to +2 if the weapon is upgraded to Very Rare.
  The weapon’s blade remains perpetually cold to the touch. To attune to the Frostwillow Sap Blade, a character must spend a short rest focusing on the weapon and successfully perform a ritual that requires a small amount of Frostwillow Sap as a component. This ritual includes coating the inside of the blade's sheath with frostwillow sap to ensure that it is stored in a cool location. Too long outside of its sheath could result in the blade becoming brittle and eventually breaking or malforming due to "melting" and "refreezing" again.

Industrial Use

Cooling Systems: In the rare cities with advanced magical technology, Frostwillow Sap has been used in refrigeration units, cooling engines, and other machinery that requires extreme cold. Its ability to maintain a near-constant freezing temperature makes it ideal for industrial purposes.   Magical Conduits: Certain magical machinery, especially those dealing with cold-based energy or stasis fields, use the sap as a conduit for frost energy, ensuring smooth flow and power consistency.


The sap must be carefully extracted from the Frostwillow Trees using specialized tools that prevent it from freezing solid upon exposure to the air. Once collected, it is stored in enchanted containers that regulate the temperature. Refinement involves boiling the sap at subzero temperatures using frost magic. The raw sap contains impurities that must be removed through crystallization, resulting in a purer, more concentrated form known as Frost Essence. The refinement process is dangerous, requiring experienced alchemists who can control the temperature with precision. Overheating the sap can cause volatile reactions, while underheating results in a frozen block that cannot be salvaged.

Manufacturing & Products

  • Frostforged Blades: Weapons imbued with refined Frostwillow Sap. These blades can freeze enemies on contact and maintain their sharpness in any condition.
  • Coldstone Amulets: Jewelry enchanted with the sap, granting the wearer protection from extreme cold or the ability to cast minor frost spells.
  • Frostbane Potions: Potions brewed with the sap that grant temporary immunity to cold damage, making them popular among adventurers venturing into icy regions.
  • Preservation Crystals: Magical containers infused with Frost Essence, used for storing food, preserving magical components, or keeping dangerous substances safely frozen.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

  • Frost Residue: A crystallized byproduct that forms during the refinement process. Though less potent than the refined sap, frost residue still carries minor enchantment potential and can be used in lower-grade frost weapons or enchantments.
  • Ice Powder: A fine dust left over after sap crystallization. When combined with other ingredients, it can be used as a component in cold-based traps or minor frost-based spells.


  • Freezing Burns: Prolonged contact with raw or refined Frostwillow Sap can cause severe frostbite, leading to permanent tissue damage.
  • Magical Overload: Improper handling of enchanted items using the sap can cause magical feedback loops, resulting in dangerous outbursts of frost magic. These incidents often lead to sudden freezing of nearby objects or people.
  • Fragility in Warm Climates: Any item crafted with Frostwillow Sap becomes brittle and prone to shattering if exposed to high temperatures for too long. This makes it essential to store or use the sap and its products in cold environments.

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