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Temisbrook Thicket


Temisbrook Thicket is located in the far northern reaches, beyond the Nortane Tundra, a vast, frost-covered wilderness. The thicket sits nestled between icy foothills and frozen marshlands, creating a dense, labyrinthine forest amidst a sea of snow. The region is dominated by towering, twisted trees that have adapted to the cold, their thick, gnarled trunks and frost-covered branches forming a nearly impenetrable barrier. The thicket’s ground is boggy, with pools of icy water hidden beneath layers of dense foliage, making travel treacherous.


There is an unusual mix of life, with hardy flora and fauna that have adapted to both the frigid northern climate and the dense, wet terrain. The unique ecosystem blends elements of swampy forests and tundra, with a mix of aquatic and land-based lifeforms. The trees, known as Frostwillows, release a sweet sap that attracts creatures even in the dead of winter. Beneath their roots, a network of caves and caverns provide shelter for hibernating creatures, though it is said that something far more sinister lurks in the depths of the thicket.

Localized Phenomena

Frozen Fog: A mysterious, bluish mist that drifts through the thicket at random intervals. The fog can cause disorientation and hallucinations, leading travelers to become hopelessly lost. Some say the fog is the remnant of an ancient curse, while others believe it is merely a natural occurrence.   Sap Veins: The Frostwillows in the thicket secrete a sap that can harden into an amber-like substance when exposed to the cold. This sap has unique magical properties, often used in enchantments, and many adventurers risk the dangers of the thicket to harvest it.


The climate in is harsh and unforgiving, with temperatures often dropping below freezing even during the height of summer. Snow is a constant presence, and frequent blizzards sweep through the area. Despite this, the dense canopy of trees shelters the ground from the worst of the storms, creating an eerie, almost quiet atmosphere beneath the snow-laden branches.

Fauna & Flora

  • Frostwillows: Tall, ice-resistant trees that dominate the thicket. Their bark is as hard as iron, and their sap is a valuable commodity for both its magical properties and its nutritional value in small doses.
  • Snow Briars: Thorny, creeping vines that grow along the forest floor, covered in frost and sharp enough to slice through flesh.
  • Tundra Lynxes: Large, predatory cats with white fur that allows them to blend perfectly into the snow. They are agile and silent hunters, preying on both small animals and careless travelers.
  • Glacial Hounds: Frost-covered, wolf-like creatures with ice-blue eyes that roam the thicket in packs. They are known to be particularly aggressive, often attacking in coordinated strikes.
  • Bog Phantoms: Semi-transparent, ghostly creatures said to be the spirits of those who have perished in the thicket. They rarely interact with the living but can cause fear and panic in those who wander too close to their haunting grounds.


Temisbrook Thicket was once considered a sacred hunting ground by the northern tribes for both Goliath and Gruguck races. They believed the thicket was home to ancient spirits of the land, and only the bravest would venture into its depths in search of rare game and valuable herbs. Over the centuries, the thicket's reputation changed from a sacred place to one of fear and superstition. As the region became colder and more dangerous, fewer dared to enter. Stories of strange creatures and cursed fog began to circulate, and the thicket was largely abandoned by all but the most daring. Despite its dangers, Temisbrook Thicket remains a place of interest for adventurers, especially those seeking to harvest the valuable Frostwillow sap. However, few who venture deep into the thicket return, and those who do often speak of strange, otherworldly experiences.

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