BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The End of Campaign 2 to the Start of Campaign 3

The First Year...

  The moment the strings were severed between Vecna and Undeath, a shockwave echoed throughout the lands. The "False Gods" that were once worshipped suddenly ceased to answer prayers or grant power to their followers. Clerics and paladins lost their divine connection, and even warlocks found their powers fading. The world descended into chaos as high-ranking members of the faith struggled to understand why their gods had abandoned them.   A few months later, rumors of those still touched by the divine began to spread like wildfire across the world. In the city of Heggolar, a young dwarven man claimed to be a paladin of the god of light and began spreading teachings there and beyond. An elf, appointed by Nebnuss of the newly reformed Iron Parliament, spoke of a dark goddess but kept to himself. Meanwhile, an elven priestess took to the streets, offering guidance towards the dark lady under the illumination of the moon. In the beginning there were those that feared or rejected her teaching, but eventually the populace began to open up seeking guidance and looking past her appearance. With the slave trade dissolving in Trosall and their underdark dealings put to an end the city itself transformed from a more lawful evil alignment to lawful good. The freed slaves found themselves scattered and transferred towards Heggolar. Near the remains of the Fragments of the Deep, a sea elf began building temples to a god of nature, converting his fellow sea elves.   As news of these events spread, the holy city of Grangerford, led by Theodin, began sending revered clerics and paladins on pilgrimages to the continent of Brifux and the Bracelita Archipelago. Their mission: to seek guidance from these newly revealed individuals and hopefully restore their lost powers. During these pilgrimages, unknown visitors began appearing along the coast. Some spoke of the gods the pilgrims sought to understand, while others, like those who arrived in Windbury, praised the Goddess Bhita, who reveled in the arts, commerce, and modernization. To these strangers, Windbury's technology seemed outdated, but they were surprised to find that it still functioned.   Later, new visitors enrolled at Kixelts, astonishing the headmaster with another god named Hydall who was gifted in the arcane. Although the headmaster had been slowly forging ties with the orcs to replace their lost god of war, the school seemed more interested in an arcane deity than a war god. The visitors spoke of a continent protected by a magical dome that no spell or wizard could penetrate. But as soon as the divine powers vanished from the world, so did the dome, sparking discussions across the two primary continents and the northern continent of Crosela about sending adventuring parties to this "newly discovered" land. While most groups approached with diplomacy, others, lacking proper paperwork, encountered hostility and were never heard from again. Depending on where they landed, they faced magical might, elven endurance, orcish resilience, and the fearsome war machines of dwarves and gnomes.  

Beyond the first year...

  For several years, the continent of Brifux flourished as its west coast underwent reconstruction, attracting more and more people eager to witness the rise of new religions. The forges of Heggolar operated nearly 24/7, not only for reconstruction but also to build boats and equipment for journeys to the continent of Nauquan. Trosall became a religious hub dedicated to the Dark Lady Krorone, with her teachings becoming an integral part of daily life. The relationship between the dwarves of Zedsia and the people of Trosall grew stronger, leading to the continued expansion of the city.   The Bracelita Archipelago also saw a surge in popularity as new temples were built, and the chartering of ships became a lucrative business. These voyages served both sanctioned and unsanctioned religious purposes, as well as entertainment. The once-small port city of Goldier transformed into thriving port towns, and a new city, Driftport, was founded south of Jarren's Outpost by a charismatic individual from Adis named Arty. Travel became more affordable as sea elf islanders took on the role of protectors, safeguarding vessels from sea monsters to ensure safe passage between the islands and the continent of Grenias.   Meanwhile, the city of Grangerford, once the hub of the continent of Grenias, began to slowly decline as its patrons sought answers outside the now-useless teachings that had once formed the city's foundation. The city of Kasaka found itself under new management once more with the death of one of its primary incubi and has been in turmoil since that day.



The Players 10-year skip:

  • Smithy: After a few months of catching up, Smithy's family would agree it would be best to remain in Heggolar and so a trip back across the continent would be planned to retrieve their belongings from Trosall. While there under the new management of the Iron Parliament the slave trade would be dissolved and all current slaves would be released. The Smith's would utlitize this to bring the lost souls back with them to Heggolar and to provide comfort to them from the god of light. Smithy would acquire the Elemental Sled and would return both him and his family back to the city while the remaining cousins and other dwarves from the resistance would begin moving the displaced slaves to Heggolar for homes and work. As time progresses, stories of the untouchable Dwarf Avatar of Felotl that destroys slavers reach far. The dwarves of Heggolar become counter parts to the dwarves of Zedsia and begin calling themselves the Sun Dwarves. With the influx of workers into the city and stories of the paladin of light (who decides to venture off and spread the word of his god with his brother across the land on the sled), the city begins to build both up and down. Utilizing engineering to funnel sunlight down into the underground areas of the city as well as working with the dwarves of Zedsia to create their own versions of sun forges. Later on in a battle with the remaning underground, rogue slavers Geran is killed; however, Smithy is able to bring him back. The fight leaves him and he ends up leaving with one of the goliath women that they had rescued who helps him find a way back to his ancestral home. This leaves Smithy as a lone paladin, traveling far and wide across the continent to perform good deeds and spread the teachings and learnings of the god of light.
  • Ignor: Ignor would immediately begin laying down foundation work at the school and would constantly be in communication with Trosall during the reconstruction phase. A little while after he would head down towards the orc city and begin the process of teaching them about a true god of war that would give them guidance and reconstitute their beliefs. 
  • Dot: Dot would continue performing his duties as assigned, protecting Nebnuss as well as the priestess and establishing a better order there. He would enventually acquire 3 sword bearers each with their own newly forged named blades to guard her. Dot's role as both sword bearer and truthseer would eventually pass; however, a new heirarchy would be in place with him at the moon keeper's side as dual roled along with his daughter. 
  • Volii: Volii would begin spreading the word of Ilmos on the island and begin building a temple and convering the sea elves to the god of nature and the hunt. Eventually, he would become kind of a celebrity to pass along the teachings to those coming into the island. As more and more ships entered, the sea elves would find work in different ways to protect those coming and leaving the island. 
  • Ralk: Ralk would enjoy the time he has with his mother and begin building a forge in the feywild and continue working on his newly found capabilities. As the feywarden, Gunthar would have to traverse with his newly found friend to retrieve random items for the "huge favor" that he's working towards paying off. A few of these include: Finding an enchanted tea pot that brews emotions instead of tea and can transport you into a different emotional landscape like a forest of joy or a canyon of despair, an enchanted forest where you can only navigate it by dancing requiring the rhythm to be matched, a battle with singing squirrels that can control minds, and a circus of shadows where their very shadows were stolen and had to be retrieved. Each of these were their own adventure and the items that were gathered seemed weird and of no consequence before going into the cat's backpack. 


Joyce's Juice: During the expansion of Goldier into a major port hub, a small time alchemist became increasingly popular. With her wild and extravegant variations of potions and mixtures of alchemy, the spot became popular by word of mouth alone since she would have a "potion for anything". Now, Joyce's Juice ships extravegant potions and specialized drinks across the world and is becoming a popular brand of drinks that can restore vitamins and minerals. The small shop has expanded along with the tiny city and has begun relations with Windbury to start working on an automated manufacturing processes.
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