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Trosall, the largest artificing town in the land, is a hub of innovation, trade, and unique practices. Built into an ancient basin, the city has established lucrative commerce with the Underdark, particularly with mind flayers who trade valuable information. Trosall has a progressive view on the use of death, seeing it as a waste of valuable resources. The city has removed the death penalty within a large radius, instead finding profit in the mind, body, and soul of individuals.


Trosall is a mix between human and dwarf with a smaller array of other races with the exception of elves.


The Iron Parliament, composed of Ethan Smenklie, Gror Nozisk, Mira Valeth, and Kara Draven, governs Trosall with an iron fist, ensuring the city's laws and order are upheld. Each member plays a crucial role in maintaining the city's status as a center of information commerce, advanced medical technology, and a thriving market for body, mind, and soul.

Industry & Trade

Trade with the Underdark: Mind flayers in the Underdark are willing to trade information, making Trosall a vital center for intelligence and secrets.   Resource Utilization: The city capitalizes on criminals in multiple ways:
  • Alive as slaves.
  • Their bodies are used as undead slaves or medical specimens.
  • Their souls serve as power sources.
  • Their brains are sold as food for mind flayers.
Medical Advancements: Boasting some of the finest medical technology, Trosall is a leader in healthcare and biological research.   Low Crime Rate: With such profitable uses for criminals, the city maintains a relatively low crime rate.


The Arcane Quarter The heart of Trosall’s artificing industry, this district is filled with towering workshops, arcane laboratories, and grand libraries. The streets are lined with shops selling magical devices, enchantments, and rare components. The area is constantly buzzing with the activity of artificers and researchers.   The Enclave A district dedicated to the city’s more affluent residents and political figures. The Enclave features luxurious residences, high-end shops, and exclusive clubs. Security is tight, and the area is a symbol of the city's power and wealth.   The Industrial Zone This district is dedicated to the city's manufacturing and technological advancements. It houses factories, workshops, and engineering firms.    The Dwarven District A district primarily inhabited by dwarves and known for its robust architecture and craftsmanship. The area is renowned for its skilled blacksmiths, artisans, and their finely crafted goods.   The Slums The more neglected and impoverished area of Trosall. The slums are characterized by dilapidated buildings, narrow alleyways, and a general lack of basic infrastructure. It’s a place where crime is rampant, and the underprivileged struggle to survive although to those lesser known this is intentional. With the rate of crime at a high, guards and security are constantly taking people away from there to fuel the more darker industries behind closed doors.


Trosall was founded over a millennium ago in an ancient basin that provided natural protection and strategic advantage. Initially, it was a small settlement focused on trade and innovation, but it quickly grew into a significant center for magical and technological advancements.   The city’s transformation into a major artificing hub began with the discovery of powerful magical artifacts and knowledge. As Trosall developed its artificing capabilities, it attracted scholars, craftsmen, and traders from across the continent. Its reputation for advanced technology and magic became renowned, setting it apart as a leader in both fields.   With its growth, Trosall established a governing body known as the Iron Parliament. This senate of elected representatives was formed to manage the city's affairs and ensure the smooth functioning of its diverse industries. The Iron Parliament enforced strict laws and regulations, contributing to the city’s orderly yet oppressive nature.   In a bid to maintain control and capitalize on the value of every individual, Trosall removed the death penalty. This move transformed the city's criminal justice system into a profitable enterprise, where the value of a person could be harnessed in multiple ways—alive, as a medical specimen, or even as a source of power. This policy led to a booming market for bodies, souls, and minds. The city established trade relations with the Underdark, becoming a crucial hub for information and rare goods. The mind flayers, in particular, became key partners in this trade, further solidifying Trosall’s position as an economic powerhouse.   Trosall stands as a city of extraordinary technological and magical achievement, characterized by its sprawling districts and bustling markets. However, beneath the surface of innovation and wealth lies a city of strict order and moral ambiguity. The Iron Parliament governs with a firm hand, ensuring the city's prosperity while maintaining a system that profits from every possible avenue, including the trade of lives and souls.   Currently, Trosall is engaged in a cold war with Grenias. This tension stems from competition over resources, influence, and control of magical and technological advancements. The two continents engage in a subtle but intense struggle for dominance, marked by espionage, economic sabotage, and occasional skirmishes. This rivalry shapes much of Trosall’s current policies and actions, adding a layer of geopolitical intrigue to its already complex landscape.

Points of interest

  • The Grand Bazaar: A bustling market where everything from magical artifacts to rare Underdark goods can be found.
  • The Hall of Artificers: A grand building where artificers gather to share knowledge, craft incredible items, and push the boundaries of technology and magic.
  • The Lifeblood Clinic: Renowned for its advanced medical treatments and cutting-edge research, it attracts patients and scholars from far and wide.
  • The Soul Forge: A mysterious and heavily guarded facility where the souls of the condemned are converted into power sources.


  • The Basin View: A popular spot where visitors can overlook the entire city, marveling at its unique blend of ancient and modern elements.
  • The Flayer's Exchange: A marketplace where traders from the Underdark and Trosall meet, offering a glimpse into the strange and intriguing goods from below.
  • The Eternal Lantern: An inn that never extinguishes its magical lights, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere for travelers.


The city's architecture blends ancient stone structures with modern artificing marvels. Buildings are adorned with magical lights, intricate metalwork, and elaborate carvings that tell the city's storied history.


  • Brifux: Trosall

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