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The Hat

"Sacrifice is the price of ambition. Those unwilling to pay it have no place in my world because in the end, we are all slaves to something. Better to be a master of others than a servant of fate."

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The hat is missing a portion of his left little finger.

Specialized Equipment

A revolver specialized to shoot bullets filled with soil.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The man known as The Hat began his life as an ordinary bandit, a small-time criminal on the continent of Crosela. His true name has been lost to history, but his moniker, The Hat, was derived from the distinctive pointy wizard-style hat he always wore. Rising quickly through the ranks of the criminal underworld due to his cunning and ruthlessness, he eventually formed his own gang known as the Icy Trolls. The Icy Trolls terrorized the northern reaches of Crosela, engaging in extortion, theft, and violent raids.   The adventuring group "Misfortune’s Misfits" became The Hat’s nemesis. Time and again, they foiled his plans, disrupting his operations and diminishing his power. Their relentless pursuit drove The Hat to desperation, but it also honed his skills and deepened his desire for vengeance. The Hat's cunning grew with each defeat, and he began to see these encounters as lessons rather than losses. Seeking refuge and new opportunities, The Hat entered the service of the Tyrant King who was an up and coming crime lord in Crosela. The Tyrant King, a despot who ruled with an iron fist, recognized The Hat’s potential and employed him as a trusted lieutenant. Under the Tyrant King’s banner, The Hat expanded his knowledge of warfare and dark magic. However, the adventuring group "Misfortune’s Misfits" along with some unknown help from The Hat the Tyrant King was ultimately defeated. The Hat, ever the survivor, escaped once more and fled to the continent of Riches, Grenias.   In the desert city of Adis, on the continent of Grenias, The Hat started anew. He formed a thieves' guild and took control of the black markets, amassing wealth and power in the shadows. During this time, he laid low, allowing the memory of his past defeats to fade. The Hat’s empire grew, and he became a formidable force in the criminal underworld of Adis. Eventually the Hat’s ambitions expanded beyond mere wealth and power. He still sought the destruction of the World Tree Icladreaf, a source of immense natural and magical power. He allied with the lich Riament Grangerford, who shared his disdain for the natural order. With the hat's monteary backing, they discovered a substance capable of tearing the fabric of reality built off of the souls of those with divine sparks that was called "Soil", which The Hat intended to use to harness the power of the gods for himself.   It was during this time that The Hat realized how to harness the power of a cursed war pick from the goddess Talona that he had been carrying for a while. The artifact granted him incredible strength but at a terrible cost—it bound him to Talona’s malevolent will. In a climactic battle, The Hat used the war pick to sacrifice his own son, killing the adventuring group "Misfortune’s Misfits" in the process. This heinous act drew the attention of the primordial god of Undeath. The god of Undeath offered The Hat a deal: remove Talona’s curse in exchange for servitude to Vecna. Desperate for freedom from the curse, The Hat agreed. Though freed from Talona’s influence, he became a pawn of Vecna, tasked with furthering the dark god’s aims. Exposure to the void and the dark powers he sought left The Hat’s mind shattered. Now, a shadow of his former self, he oscillates between moments of lucidity and utter madness. His loyalty to Vecna is tenuous at best, driven more by fear and necessity than genuine allegiance.   Today, The Hat is a figure of legend and terror. He continues to operate in the shadows, his mind fractured but his will unbroken. His ultimate goal remains of "saving the world" through the usurpation of godly power, but his methods and motives are increasingly unpredictable. Those who encounter him face not just a master criminal, but a man whose mind teeters on the brink of insanity, driven by dark pacts and an insatiable thirst for power. When dealing with him in business, the term "rabid dog" is constantly used.

Morality & Philosophy

The Hat’s morality is complex and deeply twisted. He operates under a self-serving code where the ends always justify the means. Betrayal, sacrifice, and cruelty are tools in his arsenal, and he is unburdened by guilt or remorse. His sole guiding principle is the pursuit of power, driven by a deep-seated desire for revenge and dominance.   Survival of the Fittest: The Hat believes that only the strongest survive and that those who are weak or foolish deserve their fate. In his eyes, morality is a luxury that only the powerful can afford.   Chaos as a Ladder: Embracing chaos and instability, The Hat sees them as opportunities to climb higher and seize power. Order and peace are obstacles that stifle his ambitions.   Ends Justify the Means: To The Hat, the path to power is paved with necessary evils. Sacrifices, betrayals, and atrocities are all justified if they bring him closer to his goals.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Hat Obsession: The Hat has an almost ritualistic attachment to his wide-brimmed hat. He is never seen without it, and if it’s ever knocked off or taken, he becomes irrationally enraged and single-mindedly focused on retrieving it.   Arcane Sigils: He has a habit of drawing small, intricate arcane sigils in the air or on surfaces with his finger, a tic from his extensive use of dark magic.



Cold and Calculating Gaze: The Hat’s eyes are sharp and constantly assessing, giving those who meet his gaze the unsettling feeling that he’s dissecting their every thought and intention.   Controlled Movements: Every movement he makes is deliberate and precise. Whether in combat or conversation, his actions are measured, reflecting his strategic mind.   Quiet Laughter: When amused or pleased, The Hat emits a low, almost inaudible chuckle. This laughter often precedes acts of cruelty or betrayal, making it a chilling omen for those who hear it.   Ritualistic Behavior: Before engaging in significant actions, The Hat performs a series of rituals—adjusting his hat, checking his weapons, and murmuring incantations. These rituals help him maintain a semblance of control over his fractured mind.

Lucid's big boss. A man that came up from nothing and built an empire in the city of Adis. He runs the underground and black market within the city and has a network extending beyond continents.

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"Chaos is a ladder, and I intend to climb it to the very top because power is the only currency that matters."


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