

  Essen is a material that allows when consumed your body to think that a piece of essence from another person or creature is from it's own soul. And so this allows you to cast spells without incurring the damages that come with such a profession. But it is an extremely dangerous substance as you could instead of expending the essence you got from the Essen, you could instead expend your own Essence and lose yourself, becoming a different person entirely, mixed with all the essence from the other people who you have consumed the souls of. Essen used to be extremely popular, usually made into drinks or things you could smoke to be consumed at your leisure. Leading to magic being far more common and yet it also led to many more Wraiths that were violent and unpredictable. Selling the essence of someone who died who you knew became almost mandatory, and now it is banned not only because it hurts a community, but also because the Gorakin Empire does not want people who can stand against them with spells.

The Production of Essen

Essen used to be an extremely common commodity, but now as it has been banned it is only produced in the seedy back alleys of great kley cities in the three cities area. Places known for producing include; jaklyjy jayjy, jajayjy, anuk jaklyjy as well as tera and fench. It is made similarly to Essence Liquor, but different as instead of infusing strained essence into a liquid, you half strain essence and suspend it in a alcohol or you take that Essen Alcohol and then soak it into a smokeable substance; like tobacco, let it dry in the sun for a month and then it will be suspended in that substance. You could do the same by soaking it into a meat and then letting that meat dry into jerky. In which case, it would be suspended in the meat for later consumption. And because of this extremely dangerous production method whenever a Wraith is spotted or is disturbing a city, having never been seen coming in where it came from in the city is put under suspicion, as without a large and experienced operation the production of Essen tends to make a lot of Wraiths as a byproduct.
Vi, Lord of Strength
"To take someone's soul; mangle it so far beyond repair and consume it, is one of the greatest evils in this harsh world.

One of the few concessions to the Gorakin Empire's rule is that in The Mantara Isles, Essen was never made illegal. But The Mantara Isles were never quite considered Gorakin territory but instead were always considered subservient allied territories. Similar to the Lord of Anuk Jaklyjy's rule of the Anuk Jal river and basin.


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