The Bones of Hraesvelgr Building / Landmark in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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The Bones of Hraesvelgr

Sitting along the coast of the Barrowdowns, are the bones of an ancient dragon, Hraesvelgr. The dragon was said to have been slain by the first Son of the Sky, and its bones lie half frozen in the ice and rock to this day. A clan of Kobolds that worshipped the great dragon have dug a lair deep into the rock where Hraesvelgr rests, obscured by its massive ribcage.   The skeleton has a large significance to the people of Sonrheim, as it is where the first Son of the Sky slayed the great dragon in order to protect the people that lived in the Barrowdowns. They treat the area with respect, and avoid going near the skeleton if they can.
Natural Wonder
Owning Organization

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