The Barrowdowns Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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The Barrowdowns

To the north of Averlyn lies a frozen tundra known as the Barrowdowns. From frozen forests to vast snowy drifts, the Barrowdowns are inhabited by those accustomed to the cold climate. There are few settlements in this land as it is rather inhospitable for farming. Those that do live in the Barrowdowns hunt for their food regularly.   There are two major cities within the Barrowdowns. The first is Sonrheim, a settlement in the northwest, past the Frozen Expanse. The other is the dwarven city of Baelindir, nestled into the mountain range of Baelor's Teeth. These two cities have a tentative peace treaty, agreeing that as long as they leave the other alone, no war will be had.   The Galleon Graveyard and bones of Hraesvelgr are frozen remnants in the north of the country that are left over from a battle long ago. Even further north is a massive dormant volcano called the Snoring Summit, or Sofjall by those from Sonrheim.


The Barrowdowns are not formally a kingdom and do not have an officially recognized king or ruler. Those from Baelindir follow Gundren Greatheart, descendant of the line of Baelor. Those from Sonrheim and other small villages in the Barrowdowns follow the Son of the Sky, a title given to the heir of a prophecy from long ago.     Barrowdowns Cuisine:   The people of the Barrowdowns live on diets of mostly meat, supplemented with what few fruits and vegetables that are available. Fish-runners bring in hauls of all kinds of sea life that live in the frigid waters. In the northern city of Sonrheim, traders from afar bring with them ingredients that are difficult to locate.       Reindeer Roast   A large cut of reindeer meat, glazed in honey and stuff with garlic, roasted on a spit over an open flame. Excellent when paired with a flagon of ale.   Spiritstone Raclette   A spiritstone is a round flat stone passed down through generations among families in Sonrheim. The stone is heated over a fire and then used to grill meat, cheeses and onions in a large communal feast.   Spiced Cider   A sweet apple cider mixed with a strong cinnamon whiskey, topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with nutmeg. Heated in a mug over an open flame. A classic dessert beverage in Sonrheim taverns to warm ones bones after a long day in the cold.   Daggerjaw Skillet   A fillet of Daggerjaw, fried in a skillet and served with potatoes and garnished with salt and parsley (if the season is right for it). A common meal for a fish-runner.
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