
See there's a little-advertised State Cambion program that the Cathars run. It's a highly controlled, monastic life where you live as magic support for the Catharate. The pitch is that the Martyr's teachings will help you manage your Cambionisis. Many join willingly, If you get caught and resist, they just lobotomize you and bolt an eyeless mask across your butchered eyeholes. This makes you one of the Silent, destroying much of your intellect and, with a combination of pharmaceuticals and cynically exploitation of the Silent's almost childlike agreeability and trust. Over the past 50 years, they figured out how to install a Cathar-consecrated mask that doesn't touch your average magical payload and makes it easier to overcharge your shit. It's something the Cathars really don't want people knowing the truth about, but If they have to admit they exist, Cathars just say the mask stabilizes dangerous cambions. That's not a complete lie: being Silent "freezes" your Cambionisis so you never risk being overtaken by it, but because Cathars see Cambions as utterly disposable, they regularly ask silent to overexert themselves when spellcasting, often to the point that it will harm or kill the caster. It's little better for State Cambions, but at least they can desert, or frag their Witchburner boss and bail.
Chronic, Acquired