Disian History

What's so fucked then?

Age of Thrones

555 BSY 0 BSY

The era both of the construction and use of the six Thrones. Increasing degradation of all Divine hierarchies throughout.

  • -77 BSY

    7 /7

    Long Faire Night founded

    Lev Damask, Vischer Cruz and Djenaraha found the Long Faire Night in Morgiania. The timeline grows one step clownier.

Graven Era

0 BSY 45 PSY

Modern Day

  • 15 PSY

    25 /10

    Czeska Rau born
    Life, Birth

  • 28 PSY

    2 /2

    Kaskamin Yillia Born
    Life, Birth
  • 29 PSY

    1 /1

    Labrys Compact signed
    Diplomatic action

    Vaerulamium recognizes Vecrulamium as a peer-capitol, creating the Vaean Hegemony as a two-party confederation.

  • 45 PSY

    1 /3

    Present Day
    Cultural event