Kaskamin Yllia

Kaskamin Yllia

Kaskamin Yllia is a former State Cambion who ran off the join the circus (the Long Faire Night, and has spent most of her adolescence developing her nascent empathic talents as an "intern" for the circus's Necro-Alchemist, Czeska Rau.   Due to the odd circumstances of Rei's resurrection, they share an empathic bond with Kas, who is doing her best to help Rei acclimatize to their new life as an undead. Without Kas, Rei dies (again),and without Rei, Kas dies too. Since most of the staff are pretty fond of Kas, everyone is nervous about this.   A passionate girl with a lot of love in her heart, Kas is a lil rebel who believes strongly in direct action, a spirit cultivated by the Long Faire Night who regard her as the camp scamp.   Loved, but ultimately feared by her parents for her Glass Cambion Thirst for “brains”, which she'd later learn were specific, emotionally charged dreams or memories. She was surrendered to an orphanage-- an Asylum-Monestary-- run by The Catharate , who take in Cambions such as herself and draft them as soldiers and civil servants, shackling their powers with grim discipline and teaching the killing arts individually to the promising. This included Kas. She was not allowed friends. It nearly broke her.   After a miserable childhood in an Asylum-Monestary she later escaped with the help of Guy Damask and ran off the join the circus. She was immediately adopted into the clown's monstrous, carnie "family", who alternately spoil or parent the hell out of her. She wants to be a hero so bad largely for their sakes.   She now spends her newfound freedom coming into her own as a punk rock avenger in moments of peril and capable counselor and advocate in moments of peace.   These gothic monsters found a kid made half-feral through the system and somehow managed to turn her into a real good nascent adult. She's going places if neither one of you gets picked off by a sniper anytime soon.   Now that she's on her way to becoming a highly promising adult, having Rei by her side puts her in a highly vulnerable position. Given how many people want Rei back in the ground, Kas is gonna be asked to take what she believes and translate it into drastic action in life-or-death circumstances.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kas is essentially a magical girl with an incredibly brutal power set. A born Cambion, she carries the ability for "Dream Eating", the art of devouring memories.   This makes her an Empath, capable of reading objects and people for thoughts and memories, which means she has a limited capacity for telepathy.

Apparel & Accessories

Everything Kas owns is homemade, a gift, or mooched off of other circus performers. Being the camp scamp, she's had the run of the wardrobe since she joined the circus at 12, and that's led to a comically busy fashion sense.   However, due to Kas's somewhat troubling appetites as a Dream Eater, her superstitions about treasuring gifts have actually turned into a rather effective palliative ritual. Kas takes a few extra minutes every morning to adorn herself with her jangly overdesigned kitsch, giving each little piece a place of honor on her battle outfit, a literal shroud of memories to both focus and amplify her spellcasting, but also to calm her mind and curb some of her more destructive hungers. As a kid, she looked to Felicia Aliacaestans as an absolute rockstar in a desperate atttempt to be hardcore and badass.   But, for a soft-hearted girl like Kas, it didn't work, but she did retain her fancy for acrobatic equipment, pigtails, and a lotta

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kas knows both of her parents. She was a planned and celebrated pregnancy to a middle-class family-- an pawnbroker mother and a cabaret cellist father.   Kas is a born Cambion , meaning she has certain appetites for Numena. Kas is specifically a Dream Eater. a psychic that draws nourishment from thoughts and memories. Kas's parents, being humble folks, really did attempt to take care of her, but ultimately were unequipped to feed a monster. She was given to the The Catharate.
Understandably traumatized, her parents surrendered her to the Catharate with utter reluctance and complete heartbreak. She was six, and has never seen them again since.   The Catharate sent her where they send all Cambions surrendered to their clutches: a life of work and discipline in an isolated Monastery-Asylum under the State Cambion program. Kas's earliest clear memories are of a monotonous youth spent under harsh rectors and austere conditions being groomed as a future state asset.   Kas quickly grasped the techniques.   Kas is an extremely smart kid, and Despite living in utter penury, State Cambions are extremely well educated. She could read, write, and do arithmetic by 8, and given her naturally agreeable and sympathetic nature, the Catharate marked her as exceptionally malleable, and high-ranking Cathars began to scout Kas for a pretty prestigious career as a Lord-Cathar's psychic enforcer as soon as she got out of school. She was ten.   So, Kas was on the fast track to be a body guard for a hotshot Cathar when she hit 1

Intellectual Characteristics

While Kas is both highly intelligent and very soft-hearted, her empathy and just heart fills her with a lotta righteous outrage when she feels a lotta people in pain. Painful memories literally scream at her for help, and that makes her act drastically and often.

Personality Characteristics


Due to her supernaturally high empathy, Kas has a very good heart, and really does look for the best in people wherever she can find it.   Kas owes everything to the Long Faire Night, and does everything she can to help them. She's damn good at it too. Her knack for empathy and ability to "blunt" or "prune" painful memories via Dream Eating, and it has made her a beloved advocate to a great many.   Despite her horrifying mental diet, Kas has developed a huge culture of trust with the circus lifers, and they regularly go to her for advice, therapy, and Dream Eating. and if talking doesn't work, Kas often helps out directly.   Since she's an Empath, too much suffering in one area causes her physical and psychic pain, and for that reason, she turns into a righteous firebrand, dedicated to assuaging the pain she feels in others, if only because she feels that pain too and wants it gone.


Family Ties

Kas knows both parents by name and face, as well as the grim circumstances of her infancy. For that reason refuses to restore contact with her parents.


Since she feels both her own and ambient emotion, Kas is usually loaded up with feelings, and emotes super hard. She's naturally a highly honest girl, so she rarely fakes how she's feeling and emotes broadly about however she fels.
Kas takes the good and the bad with super hard, and spends a great amount of effort keeping her feelings bottled up.
In a good mood, she’s a lil’ ray of sunshine. In anger, she is both sublime and terrifying, and Kas processes despair through rage, and the sight of her preaching righteous outage and screaming for vengeance is the stuff of nightmares for



Needs a Friend

Towards Kaskamin Yllia


Kaskamin Yllia

Suspiciously Friendly

Towards Kuvire


Date of Birth
28 PSY
Circumstances of Birth
Planned child, surrendered to the Catharate upon Cambionisis infection.
Orchid pink, large and expressive, with coincentric rings
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rich Brown with pallor
175 cm (5'7")
53 kg
Aligned Organization