Greland ser Ashtin Phyrefenn Visits Blackwatch Point

ser Ashtin Phyrefenn Visits Blackwatch Point

Population Migration / Travel


At Luminator Jocey behest, ser Ashtin Phyrefenn and his companions sailed first to Blackwatch Point to meet ser Kedrick Brightborn, the zealous Commander of the Blackwatch folk. Ser Kedrick showed ser Ashtin the extent of the defences around the castle, and continued Jocey's encouragement for the knight to add his spark to the conflagration.
Ser Kedrick gave ser Ashtin his terms to take to The King in Exile - that a portion of the folk in Blackwatch Point would join the royal cause if a significant enough blow was dealt to the factions in the darkness for them to leave without affecting their ability to defend against it, however they would not be willing to serve alongside any 'abominations', such as Shadebound, and especially The Devourer.

Related Location
Blackwatch Point
Related timelines & articles
The Life of ser Ashtin Phyrefenn (article)
History of Greland (article)