The Devourer Character in Greland | World Anvil

The Devourer

  • Minor Player Character of Lukasz Furmaniak
  • The Devourer of Arkad


    Story Points
    Military Units
    Useful Lists


    Player Characters

    Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
    Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
    ser Mattheo Foxworth
    Colrin Blest
    King Tyon I Cray
    Sigrid Ashwood
    ser Allon Stormborn
    ser Odric Vortane
    Lord Tylan Hewlett
    ser Callor Perryn
    ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
    The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

    Player Settlements

    The Settlement Creation System
    Settlement Management Sessions
    Settlement Conquest
    Greater Stallken


    Player Councils

    Anatomy of a Ruling Council
    Royal Council
    The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
    The Council of Southbay
    The Duchal Council of House Southbay
    The Council of Greater Stallken



    The Continent of Greland
    The Kingdom of Hillhurst
    The Kingdom of Rotheval
    The Kingdom of Irogonie
    The Lamas Plains
    The Swamps of Baycotte
    The Kingdom of Somercrag
    The Foxworth Duchy
    The Blackbar Duchy
    The Skanler Duchy
    The Gaunt Duchy
    The Southbay Duchy
    The City of Southbay
    The Hayford Duchy
    The Continent of Amoth


    Soak: 4(Brawn)
    Defence: f(Unnatural Resilience)
    Wounds: -
    Strain: 16

    Mechanical Information


    Brawn: 4
    Agility: 4
    Intellect: -
    Cunning: *
    Willpower: 6
    Presence: *


    Brawl: 4
    Intimidate: 3
    Stealth: 4
    Shadows: 4

    The attributes given above represent the baseline power of the myriad of shades bound into Annunit, collectively known as The Devourer of Arkad.
    At most times The Devourer is happy to be directed by what remains of Annunit's consciousness, and likewise in combat situations Annunit is happy enough to surrender control to The Devourer. Should more complex situations arise, a contest of wills is likely to occur between the two. For these purposes, Annunit uses her own Willpower of 4 to oppose The Devourer. If the situation is not one which directly opposes The Devourer's will to consume, this will be against a 'resting' Willpower of 3.
    The Devourer, or Annunit, can also spend story Points to manifest Skills or Knowledges - if Annunit didn't know it before, maybe one of the Shades bound within her did.


    Author's Notes

    A minor player character supporting ser Ashtin Phyrefenn, played by Lukasz Furmaniak from 454KS onward.

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