ser Jesmyn Lavon Character in Greland | World Anvil

ser Jesmyn Lavon

  • Minor Player Character of Zara Keene
  • Ethnicity
    Year of Birth
    434 KS 20 Years old
    Squired To
    Prince Dalran Somercrag beginning in 442KS
    Knighted By
    Prince Dalran Somercrag in 454KS
    Clarton beginning in 454KS
    Former Squire(s)
    NAME beginning in YEAR KS


    Story Points
    Military Units
    Useful Lists


    Player Characters

    Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
    Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
    ser Mattheo Foxworth
    Colrin Blest
    King Tyon I Cray
    Sigrid Ashwood
    ser Allon Stormborn
    ser Odric Vortane
    Lord Tylan Hewlett
    ser Callor Perryn
    ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
    The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

    Player Settlements

    The Settlement Creation System
    Settlement Management Sessions
    Settlement Conquest
    Greater Stallken


    Player Councils

    Anatomy of a Ruling Council
    Royal Council
    The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
    The Council of Southbay
    The Duchal Council of House Southbay
    The Council of Greater Stallken



    The Continent of Greland
    The Kingdom of Hillhurst
    The Kingdom of Rotheval
    The Kingdom of Irogonie
    The Lamas Plains
    The Swamps of Baycotte
    The Kingdom of Somercrag
    The Foxworth Duchy
    The Blackbar Duchy
    The Skanler Duchy
    The Gaunt Duchy
    The Southbay Duchy
    The City of Southbay
    The Hayford Duchy
    The Continent of Amoth


    Soak: 2(Brawn), +3(Full-Plate)
    Defence: +f(Full-Plate), +d(Rapier)
    Wounds: 12
    Strain: 13

    Mechanical Information


    Brawn: 2
    Agility: 2
    Intellect: 1
    Cunning: 4
    Willpower: 3
    Presence: 2


    Stealth: 1
    Fencing: 1
    Throwing: 2
    Perception: 3
    Deception: 2
    Medicine: 1


    The Court of the King in Exile
    Etiquette Amoth
    Etiquette Somercrag
    The Church of the Black Sun


    Notable Possessions

    • A Rapier
      Name Damage Critical Range Qualities
      Rapier 2 4 Engaged Defensive-1; Accurate-2; Linked-3; Piercing
      • This weapon adds +d to the difficulty of any Melee Attacks that target the bearer.
      • This weapon adds bb to any Melee Attacks made using this weapon.
      • This weapon can spend aaa any number of times to perform an additional attack against the target or an adjacent target.
      • This weapon can spend an additional a when it scores a Critical Hit to score a Piercing Critical Hit instead.

      and A Rondel
      Name Damage Critical Range Qualities
      Rondel 1 2 Engaged Light; Pierce-2; Unwieldy; Vicious-1; Piercing
      • This weapon can be equipped very quickly. It can be equipped as part of another manouevre during the turn, or by spending a Story Point outside of the turn.
      • This weapon can be used to make an off-hand attack as part of an Attack action. If the other weapon is also a Light weapon then this attack adds +d, otherwise both attacks add +d.
      • This weapon is less ideal for defending against attacks. Decrease the difficulty of any melee attacks targeting the equipped model by -d, to a minimum of dd.
      • This weapon ignores up to 2 points of Soak.
      • This weapon is less ideal for defending against attacks. Decrease the difficulty of any melee attacks targeting the equipped model by -d, to a minimum of dd.
      • This weapon adds +10 to any Critical Hits it inflicts.
      • This weapon can spend an additional a when it scores a Critical Hit to score a Piercing Critical Hit instead.

    • A Brace of Throwing Daggers
      Name Damage Critical Range Qualities
      Throwing Dagger 1 3 Range-1 Thrown; Light; Pierce-1; Piercing
      • This weapon can also be wielded as a Melee Weapon. When doing so it loses all qualities except Light and Thrown.
      • A fighter will carry a finite number of Thrown weapons. These must be tracked individually and retrieved before they can be used again.
      • This weapon can be equipped very quickly. It can be equipped as part of another manouevre during the turn, or by spending a Story Point outside of the turn.
      • This weapon can be used to make an off-hand attack as part of an Attack action. If the other weapon is also a Light weapon then this attack adds +d, otherwise both attacks add +d.
      • This weapon is less ideal for defending against attacks. Decrease the difficulty of any melee attacks targeting the equipped model by -d, to a minimum of dd.
      • This weapon ignores up to 1 point of Soak.
      • This weapon can spend an additional a when it scores a Critical Hit to score a Piercing Critical Hit instead.

    • An Ornate Suit of Full-Plate: Provides +3 Soak and +f to Defence checks.
    • Various hidden compartments throughout her armour, from which a variety of useful items can be extracted and hidden from all but the most thorough searches.
    • A pendant of unworked Blackstone worn beneath her cuirass.


    Author's Notes

    A minor player character in support of ser Ashtin Phyrefenn, played by Zara Keene from 454KS onward.

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