Greland The Revolt at Summerswind

The Revolt at Summerswind

Military: Battle


Resentment amongst the peasants of Summerswind, stoked by former members of the disbanded Circle of Wolves Mercenary Company, resulted in violence.
The peasants stormed the castle, killing Jorah Tallman, his wife Beylee as well as his sister Madilyn Tallman and her husband ser Gerrard Tallman-Yronsmith.
They also took several members of the household hostage, including Jorah's children Erac and Alise as well as their cousins Alysia Tallman and Tanea Tallman.
As their nearest neighbour, the forces of House Cray of Baremaw, led by ser Matthis Cray and including ser Newall Foxworth and ser Elysande Haynes, as well as Tyon Cray serving as her squire, rode to Summerswind as soon as they could. They put down the revolt in short order and arrested or slew the agitants.

Following the Revolt, Summerswind came under the Stewardship of Ilyana Cratter and her brother ser Jorran Cratter while the Tallman children became Wards of their liege House Blackbar of Castle Blackbar.

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Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Blackbar Duchy (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of Duke Newall Foxworth (article)