ser Tyon Cray Character in Greland | World Anvil

ser Tyon Cray

  • Player Character of Brian Georgie Keene
  • King Tyon I Cray, King of Somercrag

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    Personal History

    Early Years
    Tyon was born in May of 402KS in Baremaw to ser Matthis Cray and Lady Tiffally Cray-Slynt. The birth was a difficult one for Lady Tiffally, and sadly she died in childbirth.
    Two years later, in 404KS ser Matthis took a young peasant boy named Newall, then five years old, as his ward. The two boys were raised side by side and grew as close as brothers. As children the boys were encouraged to view the various staff of Baremaw as family more than servants, and they were as likely to be found helping to pull in the harvest in the neighbouring farms or foraging for herbs in Caedwig Forest as they were to be found in the castle's great hall.
    At twelve Tyon followed his brother in squiring for ser Elysande Haynes, then the Castellan of Baremaw. By this time he already had a loyal following amongst the other children in the castle, and could often be found sparring in the courtyard with Lyla Fossoway, the daughter of the castle Blacksmith, or Timos Cartwell, the son of the Stablemaster.
    Following his participation in putting down The Revolt at Summerswind 419KS at the age of seventeen Tyon was knighted by his father.
    In 425KS ser Newall wed Sanah, a lowborn woman from a small settlement in the forests that surround Baremaw. Despite protests from ser Tyon and ser Matthis, Newall insisted on leaving Baremaw and taking up the life of a Hedge Knight. The two brothers saw each other rarely from then on, with Newall's life causing his family to move many times.
    On the twenty-fifth of May of the year 428KS ser Matthis Cray died in his sleep at the age of fifty-four. Ser Newall returned to Baremaw with his young daughter Terin and Sanah heavily pregnant with Mattheo. The two brothers buried their father together and drank long into the night in celebration of his memory. But ser Newall departed swiftly the following morning, and the two did not see each other again for over a decade.  
    War with Irogonie
    In February of 440KS House Cray recieved an instruction from Queen Malina Somercrag to join a force massing at The Pass. Ser Tyon led the forces of House Cray personally, joining the group led by Duke Orrel Gaunt. They crossed The Witwell Mountains in March and by May they were embroiled in the defence against The Irogonie Aggression.
    The division of forces mustered from The Gaunt Duchy were sent to breach The Black Walls that covered the Southern border of The Kingdom of Irogonie from The Redford River to the North-Eastern end of the Witwells. Tyon was not amongst those chosen for ser Rodner Gaunt's ill-fated sortie against the gate at Cardenfall, though he entered through it after the devastation had passed, and personally laid stones on the great cairns there to mark the passing of ser Rodner and Duke Orrel.
    Following this, ser Sola Somercrag and Her Vanguard arrived to reinforce the Somercragian forces in the area. While the other forces fighting along the border of Irogonie faced substantial Irogonian forces, it appeared that the toughest resistance had been mustered here. Tyon was given command of the bulk of the Gaunt forces while Sola led her Vanguard on a string of daring raids.
    The war came to a head on the seventeenth of September at the The Battle of Starfield. The crown prince of Irogonie, Prince Lur Lighthelm, rode at the head of a force of White and Black Knights and was met in the field by the House Gaunt forces and ser Sola's Vanguard.
    Tyon had not even been aware of his brother's presence on the battlefield until he came upon him at the climax of the battle. He watched as ser Newall interposed himself between one of the Black Knights and ser Sola, defending her and winning her the opportunity to strike down the Irogonian prince, but taking a grievous wound in the process.
    The Irogonian forces surrendered the following day.  
    As one of the closest houses to The Pass, many of the injured returned first to Baremaw to recover. While Tyon managed to avoid serious injury at the hands of the Irogonian knights, the months of fighting, countless battles and stresses of command had taken their toll on him.
    He was pleased to learn of ser Newall Foxworth's elevation to landed lord of Fairstrand and his marriage to Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford, but he did not undertake the journey to their wedding.
    Tyon was in Bayglen recieving commendations for his service in the war when riots broke out in the court over the reports of The Battle of Hess Hall. He took up ser Sola Somercrag's invitation to join Her Vanguard in riding to Allerton to investigate.
    On the first day of April 441KS ser Tyon arrived with Sola's party. They were met by Duke Brennar Hayford and ser Kyra Crowler, however they were ambushed on the steps of Allerton Castle by crossbowmen on the walls above in House Hayford's colours. The crossbowmen fired upon the party, with one bolt connecting with Sola's head. This was the opening salvo of The Battle of Allerton. During the battle it became clear that at least some part of the attackers were in fact the forces of House Crowler. Ser Kyra escaped before she could be questioned. ser Edam Bracks, Duke Brennar's Marshal, and his son ser Edgarth Hayford also went missing during the fighting.
    In the aftermath of the battle, Sola ordered Tyon and whichever of her knights were able to do so to ride across The Hespeak Mountains to Hess Hall while she and the injured recovered. At Hess Hall they would confirm Duke Brennar's assertion that the castle still stood and his own men had been amongst those that had repelled the false-coloured attackers.
    Tyon returned to Allerton with this confirmation, and in the company of ser Dominic Winthrop, lord of Hess Hall to provide further evidence of the events there. They found that Sola's brother, ser Mitchar Somercrag, had arrived to take control of the city while the investigation continued. Satisfied that they had enough evidence to settle the matter and satisfied with her own recovery to depart Allerton, Sola's party resolved to take Duke Brennar back to the capital to stand trial so that his name could be cleared.
    On the Western shore of Eastlake the party encountered ser Edam. He explained that he had been taken as a prisoner to Tayach Dam but managed to escape, and it was likely that Edgarth was still held prisoner there.
    The party decided to split, with ser Sola taking only her personal knights, ser Arthur Buckhaill, Duke Brennar and ser Edam directly to the capital while the remainder of the party diverted to Tayach Dam to mount a rescue for Edgarth.
    The following night a small group consisting of ser Tyon, Mattheo Foxworth, ser Astris Conklyn and ser Doncan Buckhaill snuck into the castle via its river entrance, beginning The Battle of Tayach Dam. The battle ended with the rescue of ser Edgarth.  
    The Death of ser Sola Somercrag
    Just days after the party split at Eastlake, on the twentieth of April 441KS ser Sola Somercrag and her party were wiped out almost to a man in The Ambush on the Kingsroad. The only survivor was ser Edam Bracks who arrived a few days later to Bayglen to report that his liege Duke Brennar Hayford turned on the party on the road and slew Sola and the other knights, with Edam being forced to kill the lord he had sworn his life to defend.
    Ser Tyon received Queen Malina's Declaration to ser Sola's Vanguard while recovering from The Battle of Tayach Dam. He did not believe the news when he received it. The news that Sola carried to the royal court would have cleared Duke Brennar's name, so he had no cause to attack her. On the other hand, it would have implicated the still missing ser Kyra Crowler. Tyon resolved to take the remaining members of Sola's Vanguard to present the truth to Queen Malina Somercrag and clear Brennar's name.
    Some days later, Tyon was met at Bayglen's Butcher's Gate by a band of knights in the service of Queen Malina Somercrag, led by ser Arton Aerin and carrying The Royal Standard of House Somercrag. They reminded Tyon of the Queen's declaration and that his continued travel with the remnants of Sola's Vaguard is a direct violation of it. Tyon agreed to have the other knights wait outside the city, but insisted on pressing on himself to seek an audience with the Queen.
    In his audience with the Queen it rapidly became clear that she was not willing to listen to the truth. Some combination of her own grief at the loss of her heir, and fear of further destabilising her house's power over the kingdom meant that she was only willing to hold to the truth as it had already been proclaimed - after all, the rule of House Somercrag was absolute, therefore anything they declared to be true was true, at least as far as their vassals need be concerned. Queen Malina reiterated the terms of her declaration, that Tyon should return to his own lands and abide there for a time, and then dismissed him from her sight.
    Tyon returned to the kinghts at the edge of the city. He informed them of the outcome of the conversation with the queen and reluctantly agreed that they should disperse. He also informed them of the upcoming Tourney at Fairstrand being hosted by his brother ser Newall Foxworth to celebrate his new house. Many of the other knights voiced an interest in attending the tourney, as surely honouring such an invitation could not be considered a breach of the declaration.
    The route to Baremaw took ser Tyon through Summerswind, the lands of his closest neighbour and longtime friend Lord Erac Tallman. He stopped there and vented his frustration at the recent events. With the support of his friend he realised that he simply could not live with the outcome. He began to formulate a plan to force House Somercrag to acknowledge the truth.
    Some days later in Baremaw ser Tyon played host to Lord Erac again, now accompanied by Duke Croll Blackbar, Erac's leige. Erac had suggested that Croll's party might overnight in Baremaw en route to Fairstrand, though in truth it was to seek the Duke's support in Tyon's plan. Together the three lords conspired to use the Tourney at Fairstrand to capture the two royal princes who would be present there and hold them hostage to force the crown to acknowledge the truth of ser Sola Somercrag's death.
    Over the course of the journey from Baremaw to Fairstrand Tyon encountered several members of Sola's Vanguard, each of whom readily agreed to follow Tyon's plan.
    On arrival in Fairstrand Tyon was reunited with his brother ser Newall Foxworth for the first time since their father's death. Newall, himself owing much to ser Sola, enthusiastically supported Tyon's scheme. Similarly, the support of Duke Blackbar and Duchess Jaenis Skanler was readily given. The support of House Gaunt was secured as part of a deal struck between Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford and Duchess Mariella Gaunt-Goulsblud. Finally, one of the fighters present at the tourney, Hallkatla Darklyn, revealed themselves to be one of the Darklyn Bastards. She swore her father's banners to Tyon's cause in exchange for his support in pressing her own claim on The Darklyn Duchy.
    With the seeds of The Revolution of 441KS fully sown, the tourney began.  
    On the final day of the The Tourney at Fairstrand 441KS a grand melee was held. Tyon's forces, now made up of all those present except for Prince Dalran Somercrag, Duke Mitchar Hespeak and the half-dozen knights escorting them siezed the opportunity to reveal themselves and capture the princes. Ser Allon, a former Hedge Knight now in the service of House Foxworth personally incapacitated both of the captives.
    A week after the tourney, Tyon's forces depart Fairstrand in two divisions - one under the command of ser Astris Conklyn which will take the road around The Witwells to The Pass, and a second under Tyon's command that will sail from Dewfalls to Castle Blackbar. Those unable to fight, the civilians and those injured in the Tourney and the battle, will remain in Faircastle for their own safety.
    Upon arrival at Castle Blackbar Tyon received a message from Felweather Keep that House Durbach of Felweather Keep's forces would not be supporting the cause. Unwilling to leave a potential enemy in their rear so early in the war, Tyon launched The Storming of Felweather Keep. Lord Sigbert was imprisoned in his own dungeons, and temporary command of the castle given to ser Rodnar Blackbar.
    As Tyon's forces passed Castle Blackbar again and began to descend the Witwells they received word of attacks beginning at the outskirts of both his own land Baremaw and the neighbouring Summerswind. Tyon decided that his first obligation was to his own lands and so commited his forces to relieving Baremaw first. Lord Erac begged Tyon for permission to take his own troops to Summerswind if nothing else, but Tyon forbade it.
    Tyon's forces came upon the Royalist Soldiers unawares and lifted The Siege of Baremaw in one decisive action. Given the strength fielded against Baremaw, it is agreed that the attack on Summerswind was likely a feint to distract them.
    The assumption was proven false a few days later when they set out from Baremaw to find Summerswind devastated, parts of its forests still aflame, fields burned and barren, Smallfolk cut down in their homes or on the roads as they tried to flee. When they arrived at the ruins of the castle itself they found its walls torn down and the buildings gutted. Lord Erac left Tyon's party at this point, swearing to forever remember the choice that had been made.
    On the twenty-eighth of September Tyon's forces arrived outside Bayglen. They crossed The Flametongue at Whitewharf and entered the city proper to begin The Battle of Bayglen. Tyon's forces fought bloody battles through the streets before finally reuniting with the division under ser Astris Conklyn on The Royal Lawn. Tyon fought a duel against the Royalist Knight ser Emely Leonine for the surrender of the occupants of Bayglen Castle, however the defenders did not honour the outcome of the duel and he barely escaped the following onslaught with his life. Tyon's forces dug in to the North-Western end of the Lawn and began The Siege of Bayglen Castle.
    A month into the siege ser Tyon hatched a plan to circle around the city and take the Brightdocks on the castle's Eastern side, with the hopes of using the cover of the warehouses there to undermine the walls and force a breach into the castle grounds. It took a further three weeks, but on the sixteenth of November Tyon's forces collapsed the tunnels they had dug under the walls, and a section of the castle's walls crumbled into rubble as the ground below them subsided.
    The timely arrival of ser Newall Foxworth leading a fresh group of reinforcements by ship from Fairstrand as Tyon's forces poured over the breach and into the gates of Bayglen Castle secured the victory for Tyon. As the fighting took over the castle itself, Tyon fought his way to the royal chambers to find Queen Malina Somercrag in bed, the combination of stress, grief and age having taken their toll on her. She finally acknowledged the truth to Tyon and asked him to give her a swift death, to which he agreed.
    In the days following the battle Tyon appointed six Dukes and Duchesses, forming The lands North of The Witwells into a new duchy which he granted to his brother ser Newall Foxworth in recognition of his house's aid in winning the war. He also raised several members of Sola's Vanguard that did not already have lands of their own to the position of Lord or Lady over the lands of houses that had been made extinct or been attainted for their actions. Tyon also raised House Haynes to the Lordship of Baremaw.
    He dispatched forces under ser Astris Conklyn to put down the remaining bastions of Royalist Soldiers in Allerton and Haycastle.
    During all this it becomes clear that Mattheo Foxworth, ser Tyon's nephew and Newall's son, who had played a part in many of the pivotal moments since Tyon met him in Allerton, had disappeared. Initially this did not cause alarm, Mattheo was known for being unpredictable and impatient, and the young ser Edgarth Hayford, who Mattheo had once squired for, was still missing, so it was assumed that Mattheo had travelled alone to seek him out in Allerton.
    When Tyon's forces returned victorious they brought with them ser Kyra Crowler and ser Edam Bracks as prisoners and ser Edgarth, freed from imprisonment in Haycastle by ser Allon Southbay. But there was still no sign of Mattheo.
    As part of a promise made by ser Allon to secure the surrender of the defenders of Haycastle, Tyon is forced to allow ser Edam Bracks to go free. He rules however that he must give up his rank as knight and the family name 'Bracks', being known henceforth simply as Edam.
    Prince Emerson Arturson, crown prince of The Irogonian Royal Family and Nym Cimber, a member of The Rothevalian Royal Family, arrived in Bayglen at Tyon's invitation to attend the festivities around his coronation. Tyon considers proposals from both of them and agrees to visit each in their homelands when he is able to do so.
    On the first day of January of the year 442KS King Tyon I Cray was crowned by his Dukes and Duchesses. On the same day ser Kyra Crowler was publicly executed, and a number of captured Royalist Knights and men-at-arms were executed less publicly. Finally, Lady Terin Foxworth was wed to Lady Hellna Gaunt in a ceremony overseen by Tyon himself. The following day, in response to a call for knights to serve the new King, The Kingsguard of Tyon I Cray is formed from the members of The Kingsroad Fellowship and a number of Hedge Knights attending the coronation. Their first responsibility would be to accompany Tyon to Fairstrand to dispense justice to the two royal princes still held captive there.
    King Tyon decided to send ser Mitchar Hespeak North up the coast to the nearby Continent of Igend under the watch of ser Nedan Myden and ser Lobrina Vrukanah, while Dalran Somercrag is to be sent East to be put ashore on whatever land is found there under the watch of ser Aladaniola Ghaydon and ser Galaban Ordem.
    From Faircastle King Tyon's party set out for The Kingdom of Rotheval. They passed through Cainfield, under The Black Walls and then eventually to a Nameless City built into the abandoned Shell of a Giant Landsnail on the edge of The Lamas Plains. There they met The Jewelled Bird and his servant Yrrch. After a few days of rest in the city Tyon's party departs upon a snail driven by Adrielle, a Plainsfolk woman whose family also live on the snail.
    While crossing the plains Tyon received a Raven from House Foxworth of Fairstrand announcing that Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford had given birth to twins, Tyon and Brienna Foxworth.  
    A month after setting out across the plains, on the fifth of April 442KS King Tyon's party arrived at the edge of Rotheval. They were met there by Sigismondo, a performing Fool in Nym Cimber's entourage, who entertained them as they rode carriages to Gronpike. There they were reunited with Nym.
    Several days later Tyon and Nym's party arrived in Switham, the capital city of The Kingdom of Rotheval. King Tyon met the The Rothevalian Royal Family and negotiated the terms of his betrothal to Nym with King Frederick IV Cimber. Tyon was also introduced to Elen, the new Royal Historian sent by The Spire to document the reign of House Cray of Bayglen.
    On the twenty-first of April Tyon recieved another Raven from House Foxworth, this time carrying the details of The Battle of Southmarket, the death of Mattheo Foxworth and the abduction of Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford. The message also details ser Newall Foxworth's intention to ride into The Kingdom of Irogonie to demand answers. As Tyon was preparing to set out from Switham with Nym to return to Bayglen to react to this news, ser Lobrina Vrukanah and ser Nedan Myden returned from their trip to The Continent of Igend.
    Tyon's party initially attempted to retrace their original path, returning to the nearest Plainsfolk settlement to secure a Giant Landsnail to ferry them across the burning sands. However, they found no snails prepared to make the journey there or at any of the other nearby settlements, and by the end of May Tyon instead decided to cross The Rotheval Mountains and circumvent The Plains via The Swamps of Baycotte.
    While ascending the road approaching The Stableyard Tyon's party encountered the headless corpse of a knight in the road. They carried the body with them so that Elen could prepare it for burial and examine it for any indications of why it was killed and left in such a way. As they were making camp that night they were ambushed by bandits on both the road ahead and behind. As The Kingsguard of Tyon I Cray prepared to repel the attackers from the camp, the body of the knight Reanimated and attacked the party from within. Tyon eventually concluded that the animated corpse could only be defeated by throwing it into a campfire. With that the battle was over, but Tyon caught a glimpse of a Mysterious Dark Figure watching them from further up that pass, who turned and rode away as Tyon's knights dealt with the last of the bandits.
    The next day they reached The Stableyard, the headquarters of The Order of the Winged Steed. They found it seemingly abandoned, the walled grounds of the castle littered with dead who rise as the knights enter. Eventually Tyon and his knights managed to fight their way to the keep's grand hall, where they found the remains of a bonfire burned in the middle of the hall, a smouldering pile of burned furniture and the bodies of the keep's residents, clearly made by someone else who has learned to defeat the strange corpses Driven to attack them. Further into the the keep they encountered seemingly the only survivors of this event, ser Wylliam and ser Theodore of the Order of the Winged Steed. Tyon invited them to travel with his party, and they left swiftly.
    Toward the end of June they reached the city of Darude on the far side of The Rotheval Mountains. They confirmed that some Black Knights had passed through the city, and found that some of the city's citizens had been quarantined due to the outbreak of some disease following the knights' passing. Tyon elected not to further delay his journey investigating this, but rather hurried his party out of the city.
    On the night of the fifteenth of July 442KS while camped beside the road to Jaree, fighting breaks out in Tyon's camp. The two Rothevalian knights are revealed to be Reanimated by the same phenomenon they have been encountering. Ser Severin Lowblade was killed in the ensuing fighting and ser Kristin Longspeare and ser Frewine Lahlahan are badly injured, and the two Rothevalians are put to the torch. The party abandoned their camp and hurried to Jaree to seek aid there.
    In Jaree, under the care of House Cromwell, ser Kristin's injury was stabilised. Ser Frewine was given a choice between a safer treatment which would immediately end his career as a knight or a riskier treatment which would potentially restore him to full health. Despite King Tyon's protestations, ser Frewine chose the riskier option and passed away. His fellow Kingsroad Fellowship members took him to be buried at a nearby crossroads as was their tradition.
    Tyon's party remained in Jaree for a month recovering from their injuries before setting off South once again. Some days after departing the city they encountered a small band of knights from The Order of the Basilisk. The knights informed them of their own encounters with the restless dead before they went their separate ways. After a few more days riding Tyon's party passed through Lafitte, finding the city razed to the ground and its inhabitants put to the torch.
    Several weeks later Tyon's party finally crossed into The Swamps of Baycotte. They encountered a caravan of travelling goatherds on the edge of the swamps who sold them a pair of goats, Hyacinth and "Benny". The goatherds attempted to convince the King to turn back and avoid entering the swamps, but Tyon could not be dissuaded.
    A few days later the party encountered a dying boar on the road. As they stopped to investigate, an ox in the middle of their party pulling a wagon of supplies was suddenly killed, seemingly cut in half by unseen attacker. Tyon and some of his knights investigated, following broken undergrowth and blood splatters to eventually confront a Creature who moved so fast and was so well camouflagued as to be almost invisible. They attempted to fight it, but the creature sprung away into the trees and disappeared out of reach, but not before managing to disarm ser Kristin of her spear which it took for its own.
    This began several long days and nights of forced marching, with the creature appearing from the shadows of the swamp's dense undergrowth and tall trees any time the party let their guard down or attempted to stop for sleep. Like a predatory animal it targetted the weaker and slower in their party - the beasts of burden and the Smallfolk who had been brought along to attend to Nym, disappearing before Tyon's knights could attempt to deal with it.
    On the evening of the twenty-seventh of September 442KS the party came across a fortified campsite, an ancient Roundfort built upon a rare patch of truly solid ground in the ever shifting swamps. The exhausted travellers could not pass up the opportunity for sleep, and so they set about repairing the defences as best they could and setting a watch before turning in for their first true night of sleep in a week.
    Tyon woke first the next morning. He discovered the camp a mess of blood and severed body parts. The knights who had been on watch were slain, their bodies hung from the defences, and the entire remainder of the ox and heavy horses that had carried their supplies were dismembered. Those who had slept under the roundfort's meager shelter had been left alone, but ser Kristin Longspeare, ser Marcer Oberon and ser Lobrina Vrukanah were all brutally killed. They do not encounter the creature again.
    Two weeks later Tyon's party arrived in Drifoote to take on supplies after abandoning most of them in the flight from the roundfort. They were once again warned against entering Timberreach, the former capital of Baycotte and their next destination.
    Despite the warnings and some difficulty crossing The Branching Serpent outside the ruined town, Tyon's forces entered the waterlogged ruins of Timberreach on the seventeenth of October 442KS. In response to hearing the sounds of a seemingly wounded man or animal in the ruins of a large building in the middle of town Tyon, ser Nedan Myden and ser Carsen Prester went to investigate. They found a sick man, so bloated as to have the appearance of a long-submerged corpse. Ser Carsen took pity on the man and approached to offer aid, but as the bloated man on the ground lunged forward to grab ser Carsen, others appeared in distant doorways of the ruin, and another dragged itself off the balcony above where they stood. In the ensuing fighting both knights became covered in the pustuous bodily fluids of the man who had grabbed him. As they left Ser Nedan and ser Carsen began to bicker over ser Carsen's actions in the building and a rift developed between the two knights.
    The Sickness
    Over the course of the next weeks of travel, a sickness swept King Tyon's party. It was first noticed in ser Carsen Prester and diagnosed by Elen as a parasitic infection, presumably from his exposure to the bloated people in Timberreach. On the fourth of November Tyon ordered a mandatory check on every member of his party to screen out those who carry the infection, leaving over half the party behind under the command of ser Carsen to quarantine themselves in an attempt to prevent the infection spreading further. However a few weeks later it was discovered that the sickness was once again spreading through his party. By the end of the month the party had passed through The Pass and split once again, with the infected being sent to Baremaw to be under the care of House Haynes. Tyon also discovered that Elen had been dosing herself with Feverleaf as a preventative measure. Unfortunately King Tyon was already known to be allergic to Feverleaf, and could not do the same himself. On the twenty-third of December King Tyon's party arrived at The Hollow, and by the thirty-first all of the other attendees had gathered, so a grand feast was held in advance of the Tourney.  
    Tourney at The Hollow
    The Tourney at The Hollow was Relatively uneventful for King Tyon's party.   On the second day of January Tyon Knighted ser Jed Wynch and released him from his service to return to his own seat. Ser Jed was followed by Odeletta as King Tyon's Squire.   King Tyon also recruited ser Astris Conklyn to be the Commander of his Kingsguard. As part of this process he convinced ser Astris to knight her own long-serving squire, Maellery, and adopt her, to answer Lord Carreth Conklyn's concerns about allowing his only heir to enter the King's service.   King Tyon also announced that he intended Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth to be his heir in the event that he died without a recognised child of his own.   As the second day of the Tourney drew to a close it became apparent that Elen had in fact contracted the Mysterious Sickness that had been plaguing the King's party - she had been using the Feverleaf to prevent it from progressing to a point where she developed symptoms or became infectious, but had run out a few days before reaching The Hollow. As a result, several of the knights who become injured while riding in the jousting had been exposed to the disease.   King Tyon inducted several of the Hedge Knights present at the Tourney into his Kingsguard. He also recruited several members of his Royal Council. They set out from The Hollow on the fifth of January, and by the end of the month had returned to Bayglen to begin the work of ruling the country.


    Princett Nym Cray-Cimber


    Towards ser Tyon Cray


    ser Tyon Cray


    Towards Princett Nym Cray-Cimber


    Other Ethnicities/Cultures
    Date of Birth
    May 6th
    Year of Birth
    402 KS 52 Years old
    Ruled Locations
    Squired To
    ser Elysande Haynes beginning in 414KS
    Knighted By
    ser Matthis Cray in 419KS
    Odeletta since 443KS
    Former Squire(s)
    Entan Haynes beginning in 435KS
    Jed Wynch beginning in 441KS
    ser Mattheo Foxworth in 442KS
    ser Jed Roseadwyn in 443KS
    ser Rana Furrow in 448KS
    ser Odeletta Oberon in 448KS
    ser Alran Blackwing in 449KS
    ser Neina Flint in 449KS
    ser Roland Blacke in 449KS


    Story Points
    Military Units
    Useful Lists


    Player Characters

    Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
    Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
    ser Mattheo Foxworth
    Colrin Blest
    King Tyon I Cray
    Sigrid Ashwood
    ser Allon Stormborn
    ser Odric Vortane
    Lord Tylan Hewlett
    ser Callor Perryn
    ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
    The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

    Player Settlements

    The Settlement Creation System
    Settlement Management Sessions
    Settlement Conquest
    Greater Stallken


    Player Councils

    Anatomy of a Ruling Council
    Royal Council
    The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
    The Council of Southbay
    The Duchal Council of House Southbay
    The Council of Greater Stallken



    The Continent of Greland
    The Kingdom of Hillhurst
    The Kingdom of Rotheval
    The Kingdom of Irogonie
    The Lamas Plains
    The Swamps of Baycotte
    The Kingdom of Somercrag
    The Foxworth Duchy
    The Blackbar Duchy
    The Skanler Duchy
    The Gaunt Duchy
    The Southbay Duchy
    The City of Southbay
    The Hayford Duchy
    The Continent of Amoth


    Soak: 3(Brawn), +2(Half-Plate over Chain)
    Defence: +f(Half-Plate Armour), +f(Heavy Steel Shield)
    Wounds: 13
    Strain: 14

    Mechanical Information


    Brawn: 3
    Agility: 1
    Intellect: 3
    Cunning: 3
    Willpower: 4
    Presence: 4


    Axe Fighting: 3
    Knightly Skills: 4
    Perception: 4
    Leatherwork: 1
    Animal Husbandry: 1
    Poetry: 1
    Leadership: 5
    Diplomacy: 5
    Intimidation: 2


    Knightly Studies
    Geography: Somercrag
    History: Somercrag
    Etiquette: Rotheval
    Sign Language
    Geography: Baycotte



    Supporting Minor PCs


    • Lyla Fossoway, daughter of the Castle Blacksmith at Baremaw and a childhood friend of ser Tyon. When King Tyon moved his seat to Bayglen Lyla was among those he brought with him. She served as Steward while King Tyon visited The Kingdom of Rotheval and, although there were some issues with this, now that the King has returned and formally created his Royal Council she maintains the position.

    • Ser Emely Leonine, a knight in the service of House Somercrag during The Revolution of 441KS. During the short-lived Siege of Bayglen Castle ser Emely sallied forth to negotiate with ser Tyon's forces. She proposed a Duel to spare both sides further casualties - should ser Tyon prevail the defenders would open the gates without further resistance, but should she win Tyon's forces would lay down their arms and quit the city altogether. Tyon agreed, and the two fought a bitterly close combat which eventually resulted in ser Emely yielding, however the remaining defenders refused to abide by the terms of the duel and instead took the opportunity to launch a counter-attack against ser Tyon's forces. Ser Emely died in the ensuing fighting, betrayed by the men and women she had just risked her life to win the safety of.



    • Lord Erac Tallman, head of House Tallman and Lord of Summerswind. Summerswind is one of Baremaw's closest neighbours and ser Tyon and Lord Erac were very close. Lord Erac was one of ser Tyon's first confidants when planning The Revolution of 441KS. However, when marching south from Castle Blackbar ser Tyon's forces were forced to choose between lifting an assault on Baremaw or Summerswind, a decision which led to the razing of Lord Erac's lands. Their relationship has soured since this incident.

    • The various other members of Sola's Vanguard, though now returned to their seats, are bonded by their shared experiences in battle, during The Irogonie Aggression, around ser Sola's death and the ensuing Revolution of 441KS. After taking the throne King Tyon ensured that each member of the band of knights who did not already hold a seat was raised to one.




    Notable Possessions

    • A Handaxe
      Name Damage Critical Range Qualities
      Handaxe 3 3 Engaged Vicious-1; Slashing; Hooked; Secondary Mace Head
      • This weapon adds +10 to any Critical Hits it inflicts.
      • This weapon can spend an additional a when it scores a Critical Hit to score a Slashing Critical Hit instead.
      • When making an attack, before rolling, you may choose to use this property instead of dealing damage. If the attack is successful one weapon or shield equipped by the target becomes useless until your next turn. If the attack rolls at least sss or t the item is instead disarmed, being flung away from the equipped model.
      Secondary Mace Head:
      • You may make choose to make attacks with the secondary Light Mace at any time, but such attacks are made at -d and the weapon loses the Light quality.


      King Tyon has carried the same axe since his knighthood, a gift from his father ser Matthis Cray.

    • A fine steel shield bearing King Tyon's personal device, the monstrous jaws of the House Cray sigil closing around a jewelled crown.

    • A suit of plate, modified to secure King Tyon's damaged shield-arm.

    • Three horses including one Destrier.


    402 KS 419 KS

    Knight of Baremaw

    420 KS 428 KS

    Following his knighthood at Summerswind ser Tyon Cray served his father, quickly earning the respect and admiration of the household.

    Lord of Baremaw

    429 KS 441 KS

    Following the death of his father ser Matthis Cray, ser Tyon Cray became Lord of Baremaw.

    King of Somercrag

    442 KS and beyond

    Following his coronation on the first day of the new year 442KS, he became King Tyon I Cray and began the reign of House Cray of Bayglen.


    Author's Notes

    The primary player character of Brian Georgie Keene 441-443KS, a secondary player character from 443KS onward.

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