Greland Ser Allon Stormborn Announces his Intention to Depart from Southbay

Ser Allon Stormborn Announces his Intention to Depart from Southbay

Diplomatic action


During the The Festival of the Stormwyrm ser Allon Southbay announced his intention to, in the opening months of the next year, put aside his ties to House Southbay of Southbay, The Southbay Duchy and The Kingdom of Somercrag as a whole in order to pursue his famillial rights to High Hill, a ruined castle in The Swamps of Baycotte.

Related Location
The City of Southbay
Related timelines & articles
The Timeskip 444-454KS (article)
The Southbay Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of ser Allon Stormborn (article)