Greland Sola's Vanguard Visit Hess Hall

Sola's Vanguard Visit Hess Hall

Population Migration / Travel

8/4 1:00

Barely recovered from the crossbow bolt which cost her an eye, ser Sola Somercrag set out from Allerton with a greatly reduced party, only those well enough to travel, to investigate the supposed ruins of Hess Hall, though after the revelations of The Battle of Allerton she was not surprised when they arrived some days later to find it intact.
The Vanguard stayed one night in the Hall before returning to Allerton. ser Dominic Winthrop, Lord of Hess Hall, rode alongside her, to add his own testimony of the The Battle of Hess Hall to Duke Brennar Hayford's defence.

Related Location
Hess Hall
Related timelines & articles
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of ser Sola Somercrag (article)